New here, and thank you.

I have been lurking sense September and finally decided to pop in and say hello.

I am a 33 year old mother of four. My hasband recently got out of the Navy in September after over 12 years of service. We have a small homestead in the mountains of northern California. We have two cats (Morgan and Batman), three Queensland Heelers (Jedi, Ruby and Sprocket) and our adorable goaties. We picked them up from a breeder that is over an hour from us. Our doe (Mocha Latte) will be a year old in Feb and our wether (Rocky Road) will be a year old in June. We will be adding more to our herd in the spring.

We had plans to begin our own little homestead after my husband got out of the service (can't do that when you travel so often) but he was downsized much earlier then expected and the Navy needed to cut man power. Sadly, my husband was one of 3,000 that had their government contracts canceled. So we had to move into my parents homestead for a while before we return to NE Nevada. Looks like we will be here for a couple of years before going home.

Though I had goats (among other animals) on the homestead when I was young, this is our first experience with Nigerian Dwarf and I am totally in love! Rocky is such a little handful I swear he thinks he is a dog. Mocha hasn't warmed up to us yet which bothers me a little. She is skidish. I spend as much time in the goat yard as possible to allow her to investigate me. I just go in and sit on the ground and talk to her as she avoids me. She doesn't even like to come to me if I have goodies for her. I have to go out this weekend to trim hoof on these babies for the first time (trimmed larger goats as a kid so I hope I remember what I am doing haha) but I am nervous that Mocha won't let me get close to her.

Anyway, thanks for letting me lurk around for a while and get to know the place before I introduced myself.


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  • Welcome! Former Army wife here, with a Grand Father, Grandmother by marriage, and Cousin serving in the Navy! Looking forward to getting to know you better as well!!

  • Glad you found us here! Sorry about the contract, I can imagine how disappointing it must be. I have 2 sons in the Army planning to stay in at least 20 years so I know how much it means to the families. Wishing you all the very best and above all: THANK YOU TO YOUR FAMILY FOR ALL YOUR SERVICE TIME!

  • Welcome to the group!!

  • Welcome to the group!  :)  Sorry to hear about your husband's contract being cancelled.  I hope your plans go well, and you're soon able to return home. 

  • Welcome! My husband used to be in the Navy also and got out in 1993. Looking forward to hearing more about your goats and homestead!

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