Kid with contracted tendons born this morning

My registered nigerian doe kidded this morning with twins. The first one was a buckskin colored buckling and the second one was a light creamy colored doeling with blue eyes. The buckling's front knees are bent backwards when he stands up. Is there anything I should do? Hes been getting up on his own and walking around alot.

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  • I have had a couple people see that and I have pointed it out to people also!! Ha but I never thought about the way it is turned!! Lol I hope you are right Margaret!! But anyways the baby buckling today looks better...those front legs have straightened, I think they are getting stronger!! Hes been running around and bucking but I also noticed that his back legs are bow legged...soo im not too sure on that either!!

  • Kolti, have you noticed how the white mark on his side looks like a horseshoe? And it's even turned the right way, to hold his luck inside! I think that's pretty cool! Maybe it's a sign!

  • RIGHT!!

  • Thank you all very much!! I just seem to run into trouble all the time!! :/ I guess it helps out others too!! We all have to learn one way or the other...right?! :)

  • Thanks for all the info Rachel! I knew nothing about all of this and it has been interesting. I think that now if I ever had something like this happen, I won't be as freaked out, as I might have been had I not read all this! It really sounds very hopeful.

    Hang in there Kolti. I am sure you will do a good job with him! Praying for the best possible outcome!

  • I'm putting my reply on your photo here too...  and putting your photo here for anyone who finds this thread later.


    This isn't how the pictures of contracted tendons look on line... contracted means they don't stretch out right, and so curl under so to speak.

    Here is the image I linked to above:

    newbabysfeet2.jpg?width=400I'm not sure what you would call this. He's hyper extending his joints in a way... I found this when I Googled goats with hyper extended knees: The person writing the article mentions what she did to correct it. It doesn't sound like something you would cull for.

    In the article I link to here,  she mentioned reading that copper and selenium deficiency might cause it, and that it's common in newborns. I would try a copper bolus, and dosing with an oral selenium. Bracing still might not be a bad idea, but you're not trying to stretch tendons like you would be with contracted tendons. That's def. not the issue, IMO.

  • Can you look at the pic I posted of him?! Thank you!!

  • Here's a link with a little bit of information about the condition. I would try splinting, and if you don't want to use him for meat, you should only be selling him as a wether.

    This person said their vet told them it was from being unable to move freely during gestation... not sure if that's true or not, but stretching and working the tendons may help.

  • I am so sorry, Kolti! I know nothing about this, but I wish I did. However I would guess that if it is something that can be overcome that he would probably need to be raised for meat only! I would be happy about his mobility at this point. Maybe someone can help you out soon.

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