My book is here! They just arrived today, hot off the press!
So excited! They won't be in stores for 2-3 weeks while they make their way through the supply chain, but if you'd like to order an autographed copy now, click here for info. You can also pre-order at and or your favorite local bookseller.
I really happy with the advance reviews, especially one from Joel Salatin of Polyface Farms:
With endearing personal stories and layman's scientific explanations, Raising Goats Naturally lays an enjoyable and empowering foundation for goat-rearing success on the self-reliant farmstead.
If you'd like to know more about the book, click here.
I also wanted to thank everyone on this forum! In fact, I mentioned you in the Acknowledgments:
I could not have written this book were it not for the members of the community who have shared their challenges, frustrations, knowledge, and successes over the years. Reading their stories made me realize the variety of problems that goat owners face on a daily basis, as well as the diversity of solutions. I continue learning from them every day.
It's here! Got my signed copy in the mail today, can't wait to start reading....
Thanks for the quick delivery Deborah!
It's on my Christmas wish list! So exciting, congratulations!
Ordered my autographed book today!
Doh! PayPal is being cranky with me and won't process my order. I'll try again tomorrow.
Yay! I already pre-ordered three copies through the Amazon link on your website. One for me - two for Christmas presents! Congratulations!
So excited!!! Can't wait to read your book, just ordered an autographed copy. Although I did preorder it on Amazon I just can't wait for it to get to the stores...
Couple more months and we should be heading to Nova Scotia, then the real dream starts. Thanks so much for writing this book, I've found this forum to be very informative with wonderful people that love to help. I know I'll be here even more after I get my babies!
I'm heading over ASAP, and can't wait! It's going to be like my birthday all over again. :)
ACK, I have to wait for it to come out since I pre-ordered it! Oh well... I just can't wait!! Congratulations Deborah!
CONGRATULATIONS!! I'm so excited about this book!!
Thanks for sharing, Sandra!