My name is Mauree and I am now the owner of a pretty little Nigerian doe and her brother. We have banded the brother, so he can be a constant companion for her. We have Nubians, but at the Baton Rouge Show we met up with some really great people that showed Nigerians and we ended up buying one of the little does. To make a long story short.....She ran off in the woods the day we had to leave......there was no way she was going to come to us.....and so we left, a four hour trip of worrying bout her. The lady we bought her from was called and she took the Momma out to the grounds and here came the baby!!! Sooooo.....we got a phone call just as we drove up and was told she was found. So....the crying started all over We met up in Gulfport last Saturday and picked up her and her brother........Hence her name......Run Away Sue.....and her side kick, Being Dam raised they are doing very well with the bottle....better than I could have imagined......they see me and start I love it......ok.....I am sure I have said enough........but this is how MY Nigerian Dwarf goat story began. Thank you for having me in the group......looking forward to meeting everyone! *My profile pic is of Susie and Poncho.
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Alice, Mine really don't try to escape. I solved my large hole issue in my fencing with plastic bird netting!! I have it zip tied to my fence. Stops them until they are big enough they can't fit through the fence. lol Silly things. If they really wanted to, they could be out every day until they are too big to fit through the holes. My Nubian (that we don't have anymore) was much more crafty. I know this isn't everyone's experience with Nigerians, but mine are all really great about sticking close to home. (Once they're settled IN that is. lol)
Alice Mauree Johnson Gipson said:
From what I have heard so far.....Nigerians are like little yours is doing well, too. We have a small fenced in area with Play Skool toys in it and they are starting to try to play on them. They have started talking to me when I walk out of the chicken coop or walk across the yard......I love it. Such a tiny sweet sound they make and they watch your every move till you bring in the Anyway, it's so nice to meet you, I'm glad I found this site!
From what I have heard so far.....Nigerians are like little yours is doing well, too. We have a small fenced in area with Play Skool toys in it and they are starting to try to play on them. They have started talking to me when I walk out of the chicken coop or walk across the yard......I love it. Such a tiny sweet sound they make and they watch your every move till you bring in the Anyway, it's so nice to meet you, I'm glad I found this site!
Welcome!! You were in my old stompin' grounds. I grew up in Gulfport and was born in Southeast Alabama. This is an awesome site and look forward to hearing from someone from "home" ^^
WELCOME!! I nearly lost my second doe when we got her!! I had her all the way home, and found out she fut through our cattle panel pen just GREAT!! Lucky for me, our property is fenced (not well, but well enough that she didn't make it onto the road to become pancake) It was scary!! I can only imagine how gut wrenching it would have been to lose her in a strange place!! What a relief she was found. Welcome to the group!! I can't wait to get to know you!!
Alice, Mine really don't try to escape. I solved my large hole issue in my fencing with plastic bird netting!! I have it zip tied to my fence. Stops them until they are big enough they can't fit through the fence. lol Silly things. If they really wanted to, they could be out every day until they are too big to fit through the holes. My Nubian (that we don't have anymore) was much more crafty. I know this isn't everyone's experience with Nigerians, but mine are all really great about sticking close to home. (Once they're settled IN that is. lol)
Alice Mauree Johnson Gipson said:
Thank you so much for all the messages......I will be posting some pics of my babies soon!!