For no apparent reason Fairy has diarrhea. Can't say exactly how long she has had it because of the weather (last night-this morning)?!. Just went out and found her all messy and not eating hay with the others when I put out some new hay. She is just standing there looking like she don't feel so good, but nothing really bad happening. How long should I wait to see if it runs its course.
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glad she is on the mend! It was also suggested to me blackberry leaves are good because they have moisture in them. I went through diarrhea with a little buckling and the problem was I had given him a big helping of alfalfa - didnt think he would eat ALL of it. ;/
Sorry I've been out of touch for a few days. Sounds like you're on the right track. There are some worms that cause diarrhea, although not barberpole, which is what most of us see all the time. And don't feel bad about not having what you needed. Even if we have a cabinet full of stuff, we still wind up needing something that we don't have sometimes!
Thanks, everybody. I finally got some help from the sweetheart Sharon at R Fainting, once again. She is such a doll of a young lady. I sent out an email to her and my sister Diana at Shag Oaks. Sharon responded to my email with her phone # and instructions to call her. I called and gave her the low down on what was happening and she told me what I should do which was give her fenbendazole and follow later with pepto, and go to her house this morning to pick up inj. vit b for today and 4 days from now. Then my sister, Diana called as soon as she came in from work (Pediatric RN) and reaffirmed everything and consoled me like a big sis should. Went through a list of things I should have on hand for emergencies. That made me feel foolish cause although I have tons of stuff, I didn't have anything she asked me about. So now I gotta start some new shopping list. By the time I gave her the wormer last night she had started to nibble at hay and I gave her a favored tree top which she also nibbled almost all of and we caught her nibbling at 2 in the morning when we checked her also. By this a.m. her runny poo was solid but soft poo, like a soft doggy stool. Still way better than liquid so I was thrilled. I believe what ever it is she is kicking it, hopefully anyways. Will let ya'll know. This is that same little doe that had her X rated pic up when I said she looked kind of prego already and Deb had said how nice her little udder looked for a FF yearling. The only one I have sired by MCH/CH Prairie Wood Pinnacle Blues +S E That one! Who I THINK is there #1 BUCK! Talk about scared to death. Ya'll don't even want to know the horrors going through my head for my whole herd. WHEW! I feel lots better now! Thanks again.
I'm so sorry that you're not getting more answers here, but I don't have any to add. Wish we had more for you. I know how terribly desperate you can feel when things like this happen. I hope things are improving and you've found some answers. HUGS to you and Fairy.
with diarrhea - the shared fence line would be preferable I would think - but no expert here.
Margaret Langley said:
I would call a vet pronto. the vet I deal with is so busy he is a wealth of info on the phone and can tell you what to do or prescribe just by your related symptoms. if she isnt drinking - (I dont know how to drench goats!), but I just had to buy some electrolytes and in the left side of her mouth - just slowly syringe some liquids in - it was a fight - but she did swallow and seemed to appreciate the wet in her mouth. I did read that a goat (standard size????) requires a gallon of water per day (my goats never drink that much in a day - anyway) my vet prescribed thiamine (IM injection) to keep her eating - he told me when they stop eating their rumen shuts down - not good. the thiamine keeps them eating. he could do a fecal and rule out worms. I do know off feed is NOT good. ;/
Thanks for responding. Yes, that is the problem, finding out what is wrong. I am hoping to have a fecal done if I get a response from an email I sent.
I did get her some live culture yogurt. I figured that it wouldn't hurt. What's funny is that she actually licked at it some and no one else came to try to take it away. That was weird because they usually want to dive into everything.
I sure wish I knew what to tell you Margaret, but I would be guessing for the most part. Have you checked to see what color her lower eye lids are? When was the last time she was wormed? Latest fecal? You can give her pepto to help with the diareha, but we need to figure out why she has it in the first place. Has she not eaten at all? How about drinking?
I sure hope someone more knowledgable will come along, but I will try to help.
Oh, I forgot she is probably a couple months pregnant! In case that matters.
Fairy still is not eating hay with the others and still has runny poop on her. I did nothing, hoping it would run its course quickly but feel after 24 hours I should maybe give her something, What do ya'll think? I haven't given them any grain and I haven't separated her. I figured they were probably already exposed to whatever it is and it probably wouldn't matter. But on the other hand there are 13 in there and that means possibly making everyone sick. The best I could do is a shared fence line.