
  • cute cute
  • Also the little white buck we had two weeks ago is now jumping on top of mom I will have to get a pic. The doe is sweet as could be. I am going to sale both of them and hope that at least one of my other two preg does gives me a doe I want to keep one doe this year
  • The gold and white buck is my favorite (pic 1). He is spunky and love his colors. The gray buck is a cry baby and follows mom around and the browner color buck is just right in between them not to spunky but not a cry baby. I cant keep any of them I have too many bucks already. I will try to sale the gold and white as a buck but the other two as wethers.  But if that gold and white buck would have been a doe I would of keep it.
  • Very cute for stinky ol' boys! ;)


    I wonder if the old tale about the doe's poll smelling like a buck is any real indicator?

  • Oh! I forgot to say, they are BEAUTIFUL!!
  • really like the color on #3 - )
  • man, sorry!  but glad all is well and healthy!
  • Just one doe... just one doe... just one doe... lol How many times to I click my rubber boots together, again?
  • Congratulations! Sorry they're all bucks. Out of nine years, we've only had a couple doe years. This year we had 29 bucks and 19 does, including a set of quintuplet bucks!
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