Health (985)

Advice please

I have owned goats for around ten years.  I just recently got 2 Wethers. They were born at the end of March.  My vet just retired and it's impossible to find a vet around here that will take goats.  They seem to only do horses and receptio

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Views: 46

VitaFlex Selenium

Can I leave loose selenium vitamin E combo out like I would my regular minerals? The brand is VitaFlex I’ll include a pic of the mineral content. If I shouldn’t leave out free choice due to risk of toxicity what dosage would you recommend for a herd

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3 Replies
Views: 167

Worms & Coccidia

Hello, we are new to this group and excited that we found it and looking forward to learning information that is actually helpful! I am tired of going to Mr. Google Pants and learning something new and different every time! We are located in Saskatch

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15 Replies
Views: 312

Copper? Zinc? Selenium?

I’m seeing symptoms in my goats that I believe to be mineral related. However I’m not sure which mineral(s) if it is indeed a mineral issue. Hair loss on body usually sides or spine. No hair loss on face or tail. Flakey, white skin patches. Rear leg

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24 Replies
Views: 401

Symptoms of mites

My 9 month old wether has lost hair around his eyes and the bridge of his nose. He also has crusty sores on his ears and maybe a few around his nose. Last year, my older wether had the same symptoms and eventually had scaly skin on his tail and hair

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6 Replies
Views: 1080
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