I was reading a post today elsewhere that commented on an ff udder and said something to the effect of the buck was doing what he should with the udder development. I can understand how the buck would influence the kids, but how the developing udder
I am considering purchasing a buck this coming Saturday, and have been trying to do as much research as I can on his bloodlines, prior to purchasing. I was just on the ADGA genetics website, and it looks like the buck's sire and dam
even though the temps are still in the upper 70s i know that winter is on its way. I have 3 and they get all the bermuda hay they want. i always post my questions when it is the first, ie first time going into winter and the main questions are on gra
I made a video clip of our five kids from this year and put it on youtube.
There are four doe kids and one buck kid. Two of the doe kids are identical twins (came from a single embryo which split after implanting). They are polled. They look to be bl
Hi all I have a 6 month old wether (Harley) that is constantly putting his front hooves up on the side of the barn and stretching his head backwards 180 degree circle. Usually does this after eating. He also has a chronic cough but has been checked
Hi everyone! I'm new on this forum and a 1 year goat owner. I have 3 Nigerian dwarfs. My question is will a buck mate with a doe who is not in heat? I didn't know that this particular goat was in heat. The other are 2 are (at least I believe so. One
I have moveable fences which are working great - but the great big heavy shelter I have for rain protection and shade is a pain! Its too big, too heavy, takes 2 people to move it, drives me mad. Has anyone got suggestions/photos/designs f
I have two bucks, ages about 2 years... one has horns the other has scurs and have been living together. I want to put my 6 month old buck, whom I've kept separated with a weather, in with the two bucks. He does have horns too. He is the son of one
Okay, folks, I made a rookie mistake today and didn't brace the barn door so the goats couldn't go through the bar to where I had the hens loose - and the door to the pen open. I went out to ascertain the hens were headed to the roost. Lo and behol
We gave our 7 week old little boy his CDT shot the other day. My husband was helping me and thought because the skin is tough to get through the harder he jabbed the better. Well the skin fold fell out of my hand and it looked like he was pushing it
I have not been on this discussion forum for some time. Thank you Deborah, for keeping it alive. I do follow you on FB. We just lost our 5 year old doe to uterine cancer. She was seen by Penn Vet/New Bolton Center. We are devastated. We had two pet d
Oh ND friends, I do wish I could post a photo! but unable. I have a buck that for the first time has presented with a "thinning of hair look" about his eyes and around his mouth...and then some mottling pink-red around his mouth -really on one si
I just got my first two NDG does on Saturday (two days ago), and the one has very flaky skin w/lots of dandruff. I've read this is common, and the breeder just copper bolused and gave them both a selenium/vit E shot before I picked t
The first is: I have two goats that are a Nigerian Dwarf mix that are polled. They both gave birth this year to little boys. One each. My question is the babies are growing hair covered bumps but at 5 weeks and 3 weeks th