Hi all I have a 6 month old wether (Harley) that is constantly putting his front hooves up on the side of the barn and stretching his head backwards 180 degree circle. Usually does this after eating. He also has a chronic cough but has been checked out and is not ill. No fevers, eating drinking, peeing, pooping and ruminating fine. What is this weird behavior? I was thinkging maybe his cough might be his rumin and the streching helps him some how. We aslo have two girls Xena, and Gabrielle and another wether named Tobi Wan Kenobi. All are doing well. Gabrielle has had her first heat cycle.
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I have the opposite issue. lol My LGD gets frisky with the does when they are in heat... and my LGD is a girl.
Nope! Never happened here! Sounds pretty funny though ... unless you happen to be the dog. If she does this all the time, her hormones might be out of whack because she really shouldn't be acting like that unless she's in heat.
Julieanne Cook said:
I found this old thread when searching to see if anyone else's goats have done what my doe is currently doing.
Since fall has arrived, Juniper has convinced herself that my (extremely) elderly female German Shepherd is a buck. She follows her everywhere, tries to get her to play chase, nibbles her neck, the whole nine yards. My dog is about the same size and shape of a large buck, so I guess I can sort of see her point. But my poor old girl would prefer if this frisky doe would just leave her alone! Silly goat behavior...
One of the things I really love about my goats is the little quirks they each have. I have one doe who has always done the head rolling thing. When I'm milking my other doe and she's in heat, every couple of minutes she snorts and does a little jump. It's so cute, and so funny, but she glares at me if I laugh. Two of the does insist on sleeping underneath the hay feeder, even though there really isn't room for both of them.
I did have a buckling who had a similar cough for a few weeks when I first got him, but it went away over time. Hope Harley's cough goes away, too.
It is interesting because our polled doe has taken to doing the same behavior.
Rachel, I got to give you credit, that is a curious thought about the phantom horn thing. I am one of the ones who have talked about this before. Chovy does that too and I find that a interesting thinking on your part.
I have a goat that does this (no stretching, but the head rolling) some days it's worse than others... I have wondered if it's not a "phantom" horn thing... because I've seen horned goats use the same motions to scratch themselves...
Some goats just do that. If he is eating, drink, walking around, chewing his cud, he is probably fine. A sick goat acts sick. Lots of goats have weird habits though.