We disbudded our first doeling one month ago...her scabs are off--the wound looks good almost completely healed with no horn growth --yipee! We disbudded our 8 day old buckling one week ago , he had obvious little (1/8th in. buds) . It looks like he is getting a bit of horn growth through the scabs. Should we reburn him as soon as I am certain that it is growth I am seeing or should I let them grow for a week or so and then reburn? I ask this question because I read that you should wait a few weeks before reburning and that does not seem like a good idea ??
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You know Rachel, I think we could probably all agree that the big down side of having Nigies is the darn determined horn growth. Worse fault of the breed. Oh well, nothings perfect and since they are so close, this just has to be the bad thing.
Both of my boys got hit more than once, but it was all before 8 weeks, and they STILL have scurs. Those suckers are DETERMINED!
I was talking about re-burning for scurs! Which is not really the same thing!
If disbudding is done at 16 weeks, I sure hope anesthesia is being used? Seems like it would require alot of burning to disbud at that age..and wouldn't it be "dehorning" after 16 weeks?
Not sure about doing it with scabs still on there, but yes Kailyn, I know OF a breeder, one of the large oldest ND breeders who I know for a fact has redone them older than that! I know she has done them over 16 or so weeks at least! Don't know how often those have good results though. And I bet it is a fight but it can be done if you are game.
I am still waiting--I can see slight bumps centered under the scabs--not greater than 1/8" tall, just not sure if I should wait and evaluate after the scabs fall off or go ahead and reburn now since I see that there are still bumps???
I wish I had the answer for you!
I'm also have a similar question. I have a 14-week-old buckling who seems to have the start of a small scur growing. I understand it would be harder to "disbud" at this point, but is it possible? Has anyone done this before?