Weaning and milking

We have 2 does and their 6 kids. The kids are ~2 months old. We separate the does from the kids at night and milk in the morning and leave the kids with the does all day. 4 kids are sold and will be leaning at the end of May and the other 2 kids were going to a friend at the same time and we were going to start milking 2x day

Now we might keep one of the doeling kids here. How on earth would we wean her? What logistics would work? I'm stumped. Help please.

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  • Yes but we don't wnt the dam to wean the kid. From past experience that could take 6 months. WE want to wean her. How long must she be separated so that she stays weaned when she returns to her dam who will still be in milk?

    Rachel Whetzetl said:
    Eventually, her dam will stop allowing her to milk.
  • If you want to force wean her when the other kids leave, you would have to find a way to separate  her from her dam.  Otherwise, that one doe would be a once a day milker until she weans her own baby.  I don't have any experience with this, since the only time I kept a kid was a buck and he was separated pretty early.  This time I will have a doe to separate from her dam, but I'm not ready to do it yet, so I am interested in your replies too!
  • Eventually, her dam will stop allowing her to milk.
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