Hello, I thought I would add a quick post to introduce myself and my family. My name is Jess and I am a new member of your little group. I have 2 beautiful ND ladies that we got last fall. For years my busband has mentioned getting a goat and I have always answered with a big NO. I grew up on a small farm and can remember carrying water to the animals on -20 degree days. Not what I considered fun After the state fair last fall he was even more determined, and since I've never been good at standing firm with him I grudgingly agreed. He did all the leg work on-line found a local breeder and dragged me over to see her goats. The lady talked us into 2 females instead of just 1 and even gave us a great deal on the an older doe who we will bread and then give her a kid.
2 weeks latter we brought them home to our converted tool shed. And that was it I am in LOVE. They are my babies. They have the most adorable personalities. I could spend all day everyday with them and I will gladly carry water twice a day all winter long for them. :) we were unsuccessful in breeding her last fall so we will be breading them both this fall. I can't wait for the babies, and the milk, cheese, soap and ice ceam.
This backyard pet goat project has quickly become so much more. Even though it will not happen for some time we are keeping our eyes open for a larger piece of property in our town so we can add to our little herd. In the mean time we have big plans for our little backyard The lady we perchesed from has turned into our "goat lady" she is always avalible with advice and help. It has been a great
experience, and a wonderful addition to our life.
I'm very excitted to have found you all. Your advice and knowledge is beyond helpfully plus I have found a place and people who understand my obsession and my love for my "ladies"
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You have come to the right place for sure because we do understand the obsession you are talking about! Getting goat poor is as easy as getting in credit card debt! I choose goat poor instead. Looking forward to hearing all your stories!
How true! My little Willow is for sure my baby. I love playing with her and walking her. She is so good on a lead, but will follow us without her leash :-) I never thought I would own a goat. I am a HUGE animal lover but a goat??? Really??? YES really!!! I cannot wait for the 2 we will be getting in September, then for my Willow to have her
babies..and so on and so on..I don't know if I am going to be able to sale them :( I may become goat poor lol
Welcome to the group!! I love your goat story!!
You have come to the right place for sure because we do understand the obsession you are talking about! Getting goat poor is as easy as getting in credit card debt! I choose goat poor instead. Looking forward to hearing all your stories!
How true! My little Willow is for sure my baby. I love playing with her and walking her. She is so good on a lead, but will follow us without her leash :-) I never thought I would own a goat. I am a HUGE animal lover but a goat??? Really??? YES really!!! I cannot wait for the 2 we will be getting in September, then for my Willow to have her
babies..and so on and so on..I don't know if I am going to be able to sale them :( I may become goat poor lol
Welcome! This is such a wonderful place. And you will find it difficult not to talk about your babies all the time!
(If you had told me three years ago that I would have goats, I would have told you to have your head examined. How things can change!<g>)
These little goats are the cats pajamas. They are so much fun and so personable.
Welcome to the group.
Welcome to the group! And yes, we all totally understand how you love your goats! :D