Tomorrow's the day..........

I am trying not to be too excited. We are traveling about 170 miles down in Maine to pick up not one but two bucklings and.... a little white polled doeling. The genetics were right , the timing was right and the price was right so hubby said, "Go for it." I am over the moon. 

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  • All these new goats!! Exciting!

  • Congrats! We just drove 4 hours to get my new buck in the morning.. I'm so excited, so know exactly how you feel!!

  • Congratulations, Jan, I got so excited for you just reading that I am grinning ear to ear. Cause I CAN just imagine how you feel. Talk about TIMING, we are going (hopefully tomorrow, God willing) about the same distance to pick up our doe that we purchased who is due to kid in June. She has a history of multiples, including 2 sets of quads., (she is huge right now) and the sire has earned his triple + status in all 3 Nigerian Dwarf Associations. I am beside myself. I made the deal months ago when I bought a buck from this farm and it seems like I have been waiting forever. I doubt you or I either one sleep much tonight.

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