I'm pretty sure the main parasite I've found in my fecals (HERE) are thread worms. I read about them (HERE). Wow! Yucky! I'm feeling like this is the problem, especially since it matches up with the trouble I've been having with one of my doe's foot problems.
The problem I have now is that before I realized I was dealing with thread worms (and what they are), I treated with morantel tartrate again (last night). I just realized that's not going to be an effective dewormer.
Do I treat again now with another dewormer? I'm really going to have to clean their stall super well and keep it clean, and it won't help to do that if they're still pooping infected poop. The outside grazing area is easier to deal with since I use a rotational grazing system and moveable pen, but from studying the life cycle of this worm, it seems like it's going to be very hard to get rid of no matter what.
If I seem in a panic, that's because I almost am...this is my first time having the fecals show a problem, and my goats are obviously not doing as well as they should be.
Ditto on all that, girl! Once you get them licked good then you can probably space your worming back out some. But you know they say if you don't use enough wormer that you don't get rid of all the worms and they just become resistant so go ahead and get them done good now so you can get them past this. I just hope that is really all that is wrong. I know you have had your hands full. Bless You Dear!
Oh, that's great news! Well, considering I've got to use a dewormer, it's great news. I'd hoped to be able to avoid using them for a longer period of time than this, but when your pasture has turned into a swamp and there's water seeping up through the barn floor, what can you do? It's been so wet in so many areas of the country this spring/summer. I know others are having trouble with these things too.
I've put the girls to bed now, but in the morning I'll go ahead and treat them again. I'm learning so much, but it seems the more I learn the more questions I have. :/
I am, over and over again, so glad I found this site, and get to have the advantage of so many people's experience! :) Besides, it's a fun way to get my "goat talk" fix.
It's fine to give them another dewormer today. In fact, there are horse dewormers out there that have two drugs in them, and when you start dealing with drug resistance, they start recommending that you combine dewormers.