suggestions for shots for new kids

I know Deborah is having surgery so she may not be able to answer my questions right away-so anyone chime in who has the answers please.  I have a 1st time freshener due in a week.  What shots, etc. do I give the new kids?

I am totally new to this goat thing.  I have read a goat book but want some real life goat breeders experiences & suggestions.

I'm still trying to get used to this forum & webpage so hope I posted this in the right spot for everyone to read.

Thanks for your help!

Jan DeBrie

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  • The flip side of the coin. :) I do give vaccinations - CDT - to kids and to Moms at 4 and 8 weeks prior to kidding IF they haven't had a CDT in a year. Kids get cdt at 4 weeks and again at 8 weeks. some people do 1st shot at 6 weeks and 2nd dose at the next interval... you could google that. Some folks in selenium deficient areas also give Bo-Se to kids - especially if they are a bit weak.

  • I've done a LOT of reading and do not give my goats vaccinations. There are many differing opinions on this topic. Here is an interesting thread where Deborah talks about it:

  • and you DID put this in the forum where everyone can read it! :::smiles:::

  • I don't vaccinate, but a lot of breeders do. I think CDT is the one that most give to new kids. Deborah doesn't vaccinate either, just as an aside note. 

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