My FF Beth was giving me 10-12 oz faithfully every morning. All of a sudden she didn't want me to touch her, barely let me milk her and I only got 6 oz from her Friday morning. Saturday morning she barely gave me 2 oz and did not want me to touch her at all and had no fullness to her udder at all. This morning I did not milk at all because I figured that I would just let her dry up (Lizzie was born in april and is still trying to nurse some) so I could rebreed this fall. I get up this morning and she has diarrhea. I cleaned it out of the barn and lifted her tail (she's keeping it tucked) and it is definitely her. With it being a Sunday, I cannot get to a vet.
I worm them with Molly's Herbal Formulas and just did the 3 day treatment 2 weeks ago with the one day treatment this past Tuesday. She laid around all day yesterday but was up and eating in the pasture and this morning I gave them some good quality hay. I cleaned out the barn and got rid of any bedding that had the poop on it.
Everyone else is fine but I don't know if I should just watch her today or what. There were some little boys here yesterday that fed her a whole bunch of oak leaves and stuff but not anything that I would see that would overload her system. The only other thing that I can think of is that I had to switch her grain ration from Blue Seal Dairy Goat feed to Dumor because TSC no longer carries the Blue Seal. I mixed the last of it with the new feed about 1/2 and 1/2 but that was almost 2 weeks ago and she has been eating the Dumor solely for about a week now.
What do I do? Do I just watch her for a few more days? Her body condition is good so I'm not worried about her weight and I have only seen 1 pile of poop. I can go out and clean her tail off with some warm water too after breakfast. Should I quarantine her or let her out into the pasture?
Well, Beth is fine and Tally only had scours for 24 hours or so and is also fine. No sign of anything in the other two goats in the herd. I kept a ziploc bag of the feed along with the tag from the bottom of the bag before I returned the partial bag of feed in case I needed to have it tested. I talked to the manager at TSC and he said they had not had any other complaints. I don't know. I've been so busy that I just haven't had the energy to sit on the phone with Dumor and duke it out.
Lori I was following your post and wondered if your goat fully recovered and if it was the feed or what Dumor had to say?
So happy to hear that Lori! Now you get your own self some rest too!
Tally is fine...must have been something she ate! I quarantined her all day Friday and Saturday and gave her hay, the alfalfa mixture with probios and minerals, and lots of pedialyte. By Saturday afternoon she was back to normal. We just mowed the pasture so it may be that she picked up something new and yummy growing down low to the ground that she hadn't had when the grass was taller and ate too much of it. I'm glad cause if she had gotten really sick I don't know what I would do with myself.
Well, my TSC doesn't have the injec. vit. B, Jeffers has it on indef. backorder but I found some at a feed store about 30 mins. away from me. So you may want to check around. Best to you Lori, I will be thinking of you as I take care of Butter! We all get through this stuff one goat at a time, with a little help from our friends!
Here we go again. I got up this morning and now Tally has scours. I have separated her from everyone else. She seems fine, just has diarrhea. I gave her a flake of hay, a bowl of alfalfa pellets mixed with BOSS and some mineral, gave her some baking soda and probios powder. I also gave her a dish of pedialyte and her own bucket of water. She seems fine, doesn't seem feverish at all but just has the drippy poo. When I went out to open up the barn this morning I looked in the window and saw what looked like a dog turd and went "oh no, not beth again." Nope, not her. She's fine and so is everyone else that I can tell. I mowed their pasture a few days ago and they all were fine.
So, do I just watch her and keep up what I'm doing? I have some Naxcel leftover from Beth's bout with this crap, do I give her a shot just in case or do I just watch and wait? I think the local TSC has injectible vitamin B but I'm not sure. I know they have BoSe, which the vet gave Beth last week.
I cleaned out the entire barn last weekend and burned everything and bleached all the common bowls and buckets. Tally is eating just fine so far so I'm hopeful.
Well, the vet called me today and said to go ahead and turn her back in with the herd but watch them for symptoms for a while because they can carry it for several months. She said that since she was doing so well she would not hesitate to turn her back in with everyone.
Tomorrow I'm going to clean out the entire barn and burn all the bedding from the quarantine pen and regular pen and probably spray the dirt with some bleach water before putting new bedding down. Probably being overly cautious but I would not wish this on any of my other goats, it was awful.
I don't think I've ever actually heard any research on this. However, if a food service worker gets a similar illness, they have to be free of symptoms (diarrhea, fever, etc) for 24 hours before returning to work. (provided that my aging, sleep-deprived brain can be trusted!)
Thanks Jess, she is much better.
I do have question though, how long should she be quarantined? She has one more shot of the Naxcel left and her poo is back to normal. She is just miserable in the pen by herself.