Pro Pen G dosage for Panzy

I'm wondering how much Penicillin I should be giving Panzy, the doe whom the vet had to cut the kid out of.  We initially went with the dosage suggested in the Hoegger catalog, as vet didn't know what to give a goat.  So the vet gave her .6cc after she got the kids out.  I gave her .8cc last night.

A breeder friend of mine said that after her doe (same weight as Panzy) had a c-section, the vet said 1cc 2x/day for 5 days, then 1cc 1x/day for 5 days.

I'm curious what experience you all may have with this, and how would you dose Panzy after what she went though?

So far, Panzy is eating hay and grain, but not as much as she maybe should be.  She's chewing her cud and making too much milk for her little doeling so I do have to milk her.  She's definitely sore and not moving too well.  Her back end is very swollen.  I've been putting Preparation-H on it.  I'd say the swelling is reduced by about a third to half today.  Poor girl's tail got used as a handle during the ordeal, and she cries if you touch it. :(

I sure hope she heals up quickly and well.

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  • I bet she is great! All that sounds right to me including the 3rd day thing. That seems to be a magic # for these things they either seem to be a lot better, or going down hill at that point! Just watch her very closely through Wednesday! If she is doing real good tomorrow night, I would guess that she will be through the worse part!

  • Thank you, Ladies.

    Margaret, I did read on Fiasco's site the same thing my breeder friend told me, that Bio-Mycin gets toxic after it gets old, so I don't know exactly when that would be.  I really just need to order some more.  If she doesn't keep improving I'll give it a try anyway.  I took her temp. today, and it's completely normal, 102.2.  She does seem to be getting better.  The vet did say she wanted a report on Panzy's condition on Wednesday, as she felt that three days would be the point at which we would know.  Do you think she's right about that?  Panzy's eating some grain and some hay, both grass hay and alfalfa.  She's getting around better, but still looks sore.  I keep putting Prep.H on her swollen back end, and am giving her pro-bios.  She's such a great little doe!

  • Thanks Deb, I have never heard of that one! Exactly what I am worried about! I just don't have a good feeling about the penicillin working especially for something so serious, and you are confirming what fiasco is saying!

    Patty as far as it expiring in October, I wouldn't worry much about that, actual effectiveness is usually way beyond dated shelf life! And I am sure as with everything there is some risk. I suppose that possible bone and tooth damage is the risk with this thing, but the fact is, I think that risk is minimal compared to the risk of her dying. If she dies she will be of no good to the kid then. I have had one drop dead 3 days after kidding! I never want to go there again! Unfortunately, what she has been through is one of those things that can make them go down fast and even IF you realize they are going down hill it is far to hard to get them to snap back at that point! So as Deb said, you better watch her really close then!

  • Sorry I can't help. U of I gives Excede after kidding difficulties or c-sections. It's a one-shot deal. If a goat is having real issues, you can give a second injection after 5 days. I think the vet said one shot is supposed to stay in their system for ten days and a second shot keeps the level up there for 14 or so. Much nicer for the goat not having to be injected so often. Penicillin also doesn't work that great any longer, so keep an eye on her for infection anyway, just in case the Pen isn't working.

  • I actually have the bio-mycin 200, but it expired last October.  I'm afraid to use it now.   Also, a breeder friend of mine says that the tetracycline drugs interfere with proper bone and tooth growth, so it is somewhat risky to use it on does nursing kids.  This breeder is also a vet tech, and she usually knows her stuff.

    At any rate, thank you Margaret!  I think I'm for sure going to go with twice a day, and up the dose.

  • Patty, you might want to check out what fiasco says here: because according to this the dosage would be 1cc per 15pds. twice a day, always no less than 5 days,  and up to 14 per the situation. Remember so many people, even vets, often times do not realize that with MOST drugs, goats require MUCH higher doses than do other animals! 

    According to Molly, there is also wide spread resistance to pro-pen, so you may want to consider this. And what she has been through does not indicate use of this drug.

    Oxytetracycline is what she suggest for uterine infections following freshening, so you may want to consider swapping if you can. I would think this would be a more appropriate treatment and you would not need to do nearly as many shots, because the recommended dosage is 4.5cc per 100lbs. every 36-48 hrs. with a total of 3 doses OR 3cc per 100lbs. every 24 hrs. (She does not say how many days on this dose, but I would assume 5 days!) She does say this is the dose she uses and since they metabolize so quickly, I like this one better! 3 dose stretched out over 36-48 intervals would last about 5 days, hence my guess that 5 days would be a minimum time frame!

    I feel pretty sure your chances of success would be better with the oxy. and if you do not have this, but decide to get it, you may want to know that I am 99% sure that this is one I have heard that apparently most all forms of this sting/burn very bad but the Bio-Mycin 200 supposedly is formulated with a no sting agent. Hope I explained that right. I just remembered reading about it and that that was why I ordered that type.

    Maybe someone else can give you some more info but this is what I have found and my opinion! Best to you both, Hang in there. I am pulling for ya'!

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