Our ND doe we bought "possibly" pregnant is now definitely pregnant.
About two weeks ago her vulva became noticeably swollen. Today I notice her right side is twice the size of her left and her rump almost seems to have caved in, resulting in flat spots on her belly that point backwards. if that makes sense.
I also notice that her lopsided udders that were shrinking (last baby born jan 3rd) have now started filling back out. the side that was completely empty is now almost as large as the other side.
because im an optimistic fella I say we will have babies this month ........lets say the 25th. not due to any knowledge or experience on my part but, just cuz' I like to throw out random guesses and see if i'm right.
any guesses on due date with that info?
also my wife says IF she's pregnant (and she's skeptical) we cant keep any of her babies because she has a very tiny third teat a little farther up her belly, and her first baby (which we also purchased) has weird tube shaped ears. no seriously they look like shreks ears.
I say the teat doesn't make a difference and the ears COULD be the result of maybe lamancha in the blood line? I mean we have no idea who or what his dad was for petes sake!
anyway someone help me convince this woman that this goat is a couple of weeks/days away from giving us healthy, breedable baby girls.
I was going to say the same thing Deb said. :)
Looks like they just have not broken through the skin yet. Some are born like that. I have never really paid attention to how long it takes for them to break through.
That doesn't look good. Must be a genetic defect. Poor baby! I wonder if she'll be able to eat properly?
So the baby doe has weird shaped, larger than her brothers, pink teeth. anyone seen this before? is this a baby teeth problem? or a genetic birth defect?
thank you thank you, I will wear my title with honor.
I have a feeling you two would be a lot of fun to have around, like most everyone I've "met" here. :) Wish it was possible sometimes to stop by each other's farms and see all the cute kids, like your two new ones! How cool is that??? Turns out, Goat Genius, that you've at least mostly earned your title, lol! They're beautiful kids. Congratulations to you all.
You can put the kids in one of those lightweight shopping bags like you take to the grocery store. It weighs practically nothing and is perfect for weighing kids with that kind of scale. I actually made a sling I put them in and that works too but the shopping bag is easier-- and no it wasn't my idea... someone on here but I can't remember who.
yes dear wife I am apparently scale incompetent, so I was reading the kilogram side BUT, I still won the bet!
It pains me, but I must admit David was right and I was wrong. Except with the weight... The man can't be trusted to read a scale properly. I replaced the basket with a 5 gallon bucket (classy, right) and weighed them in that. (I couldn't find a way to zero the scale out so I subtracted the extra weight.) The scale isn't digital, but the doe, Whisper, is weighing in between 3 and 3.5 lbs and the little buck is actually closer to 4 lbs. I will be buying a digital scale asap - it will drive me crazy otherwise.
They are both nursing quite often and have been trying to jump around a bit. The other end is working well on both also.... Several potty breaks from both. Mom is doing well herself and is taking great care of those babies. She had them dried off and nursing before we got home. At the moment they are all resting so I decided I could stop watching for a bit, but they are just so darn cute....
LOL! and Congratulations! I think you need to check your scale though. Those babies look closer to 2.5 to 3 pounds each. A 1.5 pound kid can fit in your hand. If mama was not that big, it means she's long-bodied, which is a good trait in a dairy goat. Love the color on the doeling.