Pregnancy showing at 7-1/2 weeks?

Capri was bred November 9th.  I swear she is getting bigger and is as big as she was just before giving birth to Ginger.  She had triplets last year first litter and a single birth this year.  She could not possibly be showing this early could she?  Hopefully, Summer was bred a week after her and is not noticeably bigger than before (just winter coat bigger).  While I find it difficult to believe she would be showing at this point, she appears bigger this past few days.

I'm not sure if it was a sister of hers, but one of the goats from her old herd gave birth to quints two years in a row.  I'm just wanting twins, not a single at this time (I learned my lesson on that wish) but no more than two - like it really matters what I want when Mother Nature dictates.<g>)

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  • Glenna,

    I'm with you on the limited goats thing.  I know I'll be struggling to decide whom to keep.  I want better milkers, but I don't want to have just first freshoners.


    Good Luck!


  • Yea, I knew that part Glenna and have always known this would be really hard for you. I think you should start trying to see if any of your friends, family or neighbors are interested in getting goats because you might can at least re-home them where you can still have a relationship with them if you get started looking now! I can't blame you for wanting to keep the ones you have now as well as things have been going but I can also understand why you would want to keep new ones when you have made sure to use really good bucks. It would be very difficult. Do you plan to always live in the city? Will this be a problem every year? Maybe this year you can do an extended milking on Capri and breed her for fall kids in 2014, at least, especially if she has multiplies. That would prolong this problem for awhile with her next year and give her a deserved rest. That would also keep you in milk all the time to staggger your breedings. With only two people in town with goats, I think it would be wonderful if you could help others get started that are interested. I feel for you, I really do. I would not want to be in your shoes. Hope I never am. I don't look forward to having to get rid of any of mine either, but at least I don't have to for the same reasons. I would love to double my herd size.

  • Because I can have only three adults, city code.  With only two sets of twins, that leaves fewer to re-home.  It will be hard decisions next summer and fall as it is.  I want to keep all three of these and will surely want to keep the babies as well.  I am looking forward to how good a milker Capri is next spring and am really looking forward to Ginger and Ginger's does but that is a ways off yet.  With their bloodlines, it will hopefully not be difficult to sell them to good homes, but that doesn't mean I want to sell them.

    (Ginger's father is Legend and she will be bred to Crazy so her does should be excellent milkers.)

    Rachel Whetzel said:

    May I ask why no more than two?

  • May I ask why no more than two?

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