Yeah I just stumbled across a video of Penny when she was heavily pregnant and she was WAY bigger than little Ita. Anyway she does not get any grain. The only rich thing she is getting right now is a bit of alfalfa hay overnight because I couldn't get a grass mix and I was too tired to cut branches like usual due to being the head nurse and doctor of the hen hospital.
Glad you don't think she's too small...she is quite dainty anyway, but she is as tall as Penny now. Anyway, dad's a stunner so hopefully some pretty babies.
I'll add too, that she doesn't appear to be super tiny (as in HER body size; not her belly) I think she'll be able to handle a delivery as long as you mind what Deborah mentioned about not over graining at this point, and ending up creating an issue with a large single.
Amy- yes, there was an incident where the buck got in with the does and he did mount her, my husband was there and says he knocked him off of her as fast as humanly possible. He didn't think anything of it, didn't think he could possibly have bred her that fast so he didn't mention to me that he mounted her.
Fast forward several months, i am complaining to hubby about this little doe looking so fat but I don't feed her at all...the truth comes out lol.
Unfortunately I don't know exactly when it happened but I know when I moved the bucks to the back pasture where they are now, and by my calculations if she's pregnant she could be due anytime between now and the end of June (that's the window I came up with).
It was probably her first heat since she and the buck were having "forbidden love" through the fence whcih led to him getting tangled up and needing to be rescued by my husband (which was when he got away for a few seconds). Too bad I didn't get that back pasture done sooner. Sigh.
Question at hand is: should I bother with a pregnancy test or is there no way she'd have a little udder like that at 10.5 months or so unless she's pregnant?
Yeah I just stumbled across a video of Penny when she was heavily pregnant and she was WAY bigger than little Ita. Anyway she does not get any grain. The only rich thing she is getting right now is a bit of alfalfa hay overnight because I couldn't get a grass mix and I was too tired to cut branches like usual due to being the head nurse and doctor of the hen hospital.
Glad you don't think she's too small...she is quite dainty anyway, but she is as tall as Penny now. Anyway, dad's a stunner so hopefully some pretty babies.
I'll add too, that she doesn't appear to be super tiny (as in HER body size; not her belly) I think she'll be able to handle a delivery as long as you mind what Deborah mentioned about not over graining at this point, and ending up creating an issue with a large single.
I vote for saving the Ragu for a celebratory dinner after the kids arrive and Prego to describe the doeling! Wishing ya'll the best!
Amy- yes, there was an incident where the buck got in with the does and he did mount her, my husband was there and says he knocked him off of her as fast as humanly possible. He didn't think anything of it, didn't think he could possibly have bred her that fast so he didn't mention to me that he mounted her.
Fast forward several months, i am complaining to hubby about this little doe looking so fat but I don't feed her at all...the truth comes out lol.
Unfortunately I don't know exactly when it happened but I know when I moved the bucks to the back pasture where they are now, and by my calculations if she's pregnant she could be due anytime between now and the end of June (that's the window I came up with).
It was probably her first heat since she and the buck were having "forbidden love" through the fence whcih led to him getting tangled up and needing to be rescued by my husband (which was when he got away for a few seconds). Too bad I didn't get that back pasture done sooner. Sigh.
She's pregnant.
Your girl looks pregnant to me. Do you remember a buck getting in? They can easily be bred as early as 6 months or when they first go into heat. Share Add to