Not sure how close the tornado damage is to Deborah but prayers for her, her family, her animals, and of course all of her neighbors close and far are in order.
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I'm baaaack! Thanks for the prayers! I really could not complain about simply losing Internet when so many around us lost so much. It was quite an exciting couple days. We lost electricity because of the wind on Saturday night, and then Sunday morning we had a chicken tractor wind up on top of a 12-foot tall pine tree! And that was before the tornado came within a couple miles of our place. Because my husband spent two hours fixing our generator Saturday night when we lost electricity, I think that pretty much insured that we would not lose electricity again. :)
We have weathered the tornadoes, but our Internet got knocked out. I will write up a blog post (with pictures!) whenever we get internet back. Sorry I cannot do it on an iPad!
Agreed!! Scary weather is never fun. I worry for all my friends in areas that get hit, but as a farmer, I feel like it would be more scary if I had animals to care for.
I'm baaaack! Thanks for the prayers! I really could not complain about simply losing Internet when so many around us lost so much. It was quite an exciting couple days. We lost electricity because of the wind on Saturday night, and then Sunday morning we had a chicken tractor wind up on top of a 12-foot tall pine tree! And that was before the tornado came within a couple miles of our place. Because my husband spent two hours fixing our generator Saturday night when we lost electricity, I think that pretty much insured that we would not lose electricity again. :)
SOOO happy to hear you are well Deborah! :)
From Deborah's facebook page:
Agreed!! Scary weather is never fun. I worry for all my friends in areas that get hit, but as a farmer, I feel like it would be more scary if I had animals to care for.
Prayers for safety and blessing to all, human and animal! I was just looking a t the news. It sure looks like it was a bad storm!
Praying they are OK too!
I hope they're okay! My thoughts and prayers are with them.