I just brought my new goats home last night and they are afraid to come up to me. They are six weeks old and have been banded, their testicles have not fell off yet though. Any tips on how to get them to be more friendly and trusting?

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  • I have made much progress this week. Two of them come up to me now and want me to pet them and even jump on my lap. Our third guy is still timid, but he's slowly coming around. Thanks
  • I see you have already gotten much good advice.  I would recommend continuing to sit in there with them.  Talk gently.  Move slowly.  Inch toward them. =)  Can you put them in a small space where they can't get very far away from you?
  • agreed, the more you are around and hang - the more they will see that you are one of their tribe - strange as you may look ^^


  • Don't give them treats or something that they've never had before. Just offer them their regular grain by hand. They're already accustomed to the taste, and they will be more likely to come up to you if they know what you are offering them.
  • Thank you for the reply. I got them last night and have spent most of the day just sitting in their fence area and they don't want to come real close to me yet, but they scream when I leave. I am just gonna be patient and I really think they will cone around. I am a first time goat owner and I have read everything there is to read about them, but it is different when they are actually here. Thanks again!
  • We have twins that were born in March:  Seamus follows us everywhere and loves attention, Siobhan wants nothing to do with us.   We handle all our kids from the time their born and have had several that just needed a lot of time to "get friendly" ... give it time.
  • Thank you so much for your advice. I have been trying to hand feed them with raisins but so far they won't do it. I just sit in the fenced in area and try to let them get use to me being in there. I seem to be making progress there. Thanks again
  • Trying not to make any negative assumptions about the breeder, but since you said they're not friendly, it sounds like someone sold you six week old kids that are not a bottle? Kids need milk for a minimum of eight weeks, and other than ignorance on the part of the breeder, there is really not a good excuse for weaning kids that age.


    To answer your question, you can't expect such young kids to come up to a total stranger unless they were bottlefed and think all humans are milk dispensers. It will simply take time and patience to win their trust. Feeding them by hand usually does the trick.

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