Neurological disorder?? head twirling?

One of my bucks started doing this head rotation looking up towards the sky about a year ago. It is not continuous - but he does it often.

He sired a doe this June - guess who is head twirling - she seems to do it the most when she is stressed.

No other goat in my herd does this. I am thinking I dont want a herd of head twirlers - is this a neurological disorder?

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  • Thanks Deborah - I was contemplating packing his bags. Romeo - thanks you. lol


  • In the absence of any other "symptoms," it isn't anything to worry about. They all have their own little weird habits.

  • yes, her two brothers didnt do it.  Still undecided about it -

  • I have a doe who is now three and a half years old, who has always done this now and then, for no apparent reason, and who is in good health with access to Sweetlix Meat Maker minerals.  She has only kidded once so far, with a healthy buckling, and he doesn't seem to do this. 

  • One of my doelings (6 month old) has done this for months and is in very good health. She doesn't seem otherwise in stress or anything else. She just twirls her head all the way around occasionally. I haven't been concerned-- seems like she is doing it for fun but what do I know (lol!)

  • I always thought it looked like she was rolling her head to scratch. I've seen horned goats make that motion, and they were scratching an itch. It could be that her mineral deficiency (in my goat) impacted her skin and made her more itchy... or she had parasites I didn't see. She doesn't do it anymore, but she did it for a good six months when she did it.

  • they always have access to minerals - Payback Goat Minerals Plus - and/or Sweetlix Meatmaker. I sure hope it stops!! But I do wonder what is happening - certainly seems like it would be nerve/neuro driven. ??

  • I had a doe that did this a lot when she was younger. I wonder now, if it's not another symptom of mineral deficiency? I know that she is not 100% balanced, and it might be coincidence, but she's stopped now that she's not as low as she was.

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