I just had to introduce my new doe (French's Dream Twisted Sister; Twister for short) and kids, even though they're not Nigerians. I plan to pick them up on Tuesday. I'm keeping the doe, who is going to be a year old on the 18th. Her buckling is going to have a lovely life here until the very moment he gets "invited to dinner". The doeling, I haven't decided for sure yet if I'll sell or keep. I have, however, named her. :) Her name will be French's Dream Latte.
I have wanted to try breeding my Nigerian bucks to a full size breed for a while now. Perhaps in the future I'll have some mini-Nubians. :) I know someone here has posted some mini-Nubian photos, cute little kids with huge erect ears! Those ears are crazy, but they sure make me smile!
I just had to share. :)
Oh, I'm pretty sure I'll enjoy them alright! The problem I know I'm going to have is wanting to keep them all! I'm sure I'll fall in love with this doe and her daughter. I already love my Nigerian does, and I want to keep the mini-nubians to see how the milk. I can't do all that because I don't have enough space for the goats if I want healthy goats, and I don't have enough hay storage space.
I'm going to try really hard this fall to get all my hay for the whole year at once. Two years in a row I've needed new hay just when the does were heavy with kids. I don't want to be having to switch to some crappy hay they don't want to eat just when they need good hay the most. I'm praying for an excellent hay year for all of us! :)
I had originally wanted mini nubians since I had nubians before but when I got started looking for stock I ended up deciding to get my NDs instead! I love Nubian ears!
Congrats! Hope you enjoy them!