Now don't laugh.
Does anyone have music playing before and during milking? I'm trying to think of ways for Capri to be more relaxed (or maybe me <g>). If anyone has tried it - does it work and what type of music do you use? I figured probably a rain forest CD would not be the way to go - do they like non-water nature sounds or classical music or rock-n-roll or jazz or what?
She was naughty this morning and put her foot in the bucket just before we finished. No one wants goat-foot flavored milk so it went into the collection jar for soap later down the road. Shame on me for letting it happen.
My 5 year old daughter just started learning to milk our doe Honey. Yesterday while enthusiastically prepping for milking she went and out her Baby Einstein Lullaby Classics CD on. I just thought it was cute, but it seems Honey was much easier to milk and didn't do her usual kicking and dancing. Coincidence? I guess we'll find out today...
Don't know if the music is making a difference or the two of us are learning better, 'specially me. The first morning I tried it, I got the 1-1/2 cups that I mentioned. The second morning, even after the fireworks, I got 1-1/3 and this morning I got 1-2/3 (in addition to the strip milk, wanted to count it too so it would be 1-3/4 cup but that would be cheating <g>). A week ago I got 1-2/3 but usually get around 1 cup, maybe slightly more, sometimes less. And, I am getting a tiny bit more in the evening but that could be because Ginger isn't eating as much during the day.
Even better news is that these last three milkings are without using the hand-milker at all and close to equal amounts from both sides. Perhaps this is Capri's way of saying thank you for not using it?
It will be really interesting to see if anyone else gets more if they try the music and what music they try.
I haven't yet, cause we aren't milking anything but when we do I will try some!
This morning, I played a DVD while milking (Echoes of Creation without the spoken word), DVD because I have a portable DVD player but not a portable CD player. Ginger and Summer were fascinated by the video (screen turned toward them) and watched it the entire time. The way the screen was turned, Capri could only see it at an angle and really paid no attention to the video until she lost interest in her grain. I did get 1-1/2 cups milk (usually one cup) this morning but won't give the music credit yet since I milked her 45 minutes later than usual and didn't need to hurry because I had to go to work.
We had our family get-together on Sunday so it is a quiet day (before fireworks), so, as an experiment, I decided to make a DVD for milking to position it so Capri can also see the video. The video is of them playing in the yard with the audio added being Vivaldi (violins). I'll play this the next few morning milkings and see if production increases. I have noticed the ice cream truck gets her full attention; it has been playing Christmas music so I might try some of that as well. This DVD has a the video of Ginger's attempts to get on the hay bale that first day without added audio so I'll see how that affects her as she will certainly hear the occasional talking back and forth between them.
Has anyone else tried the music?
OK, I just went back and reread this article to Hubby about Mariah' music and the goats and the way I figure it Mariah causes enough extra milk in one day to amount to 500 2liter soda bottles. That is a tremendous amount of milk in one day. I would let my goats listen to Mariah everyday if it were me. That is amazing but what I want to know is, Does Mariah know all this? I wonder what she thinks of it all!
That is a trip. Definitely NO chipmunk music!
It is a cool video, Margaret, certainly different. I also found this article (as well as our thread about it) when searching:
I guess if we want to enter our goats in milking competitions, we better keep the Chipmunk's music away. <g>
:) You're welcome!! I knew you could do it. :)
Thank you!!! :-)
Margaret, I created a photo how to for you. :) I'm not going to link to the video... lol You have to do it!!