mineral supplements

Thanks for letting me join! We have 3 does and I am trying to figure out the best way to have loose minerals and kelp available... We don't have a lot of space and I didn't really want to make a PVC feeder for each one as that would require 3... However, I read somewhere else that if you mix them all together they can under/over consume one in order to get the other and vice versa... Anyone have ideas on what I could do... I have a selenium/vit E mix, regular goat mineral mix, and kelp that I would like to have free choice... Any input would be much appreciated!

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  • Lots of info in a number of the threads on here about kelp. Briefly, I would say, all pros no cons, can feed free choice, they usually consume a good bit for about a month and then level off to a reasonable amount. Playing catch up to start with, I guess. Seems to help with fertility, preg. and kid mortality & milk production, really just a great boost to the health and welfare in general.

  • I would like to know more about selenium for goats...one of my daughters said give her a handful of brazil nuts (they are high in selenium) but now I am concerned ...how do I know if its too much...any sources out there that tell you about this. Right now I have loose minerals for her..but she doesn't seem to eat much and never touches it once they get all damp (which is about three days here in Puna where it rains 320days a year)...Kelp? I didn't know she needed kelp? 


  • Oh thanks, I did not know we could get selenium to feed like that. I have been told by one of the breeders in town that we don't have a problem here but don't want to risk it if I can offer it free choice and they won't over consume I would rather do that. Appreciate the info!

  • Yes, the selenium is free choice. I get it through Caprine Supply. The goats don't eat much of it at all, but based on liver levels of goats that died, we are borderline, so I suppose it makes sense that they are not eating a lot of it.

  • Ooh thanks! I had not seen that before! That would be much cheaper to try than a PVC feeder for everything... Baking soda is on my list to get tomorrow! Thanks for the info!

  • It is entirely unoriginal, but I use the black, two-dish mineral feeders that they sell at TSC or online at Jeffers. They're only about $5 each, and they last and last. Mine are several years old. I have two (for a total of four dishes). One holds Sweetlix Meat Maker and baking soda in the two dishes. The other holds kelp and selenium separately. (I don't mix them together.)

  • Right now just comfrey which was planted this past month.  They have access to rosemary on their walks between pens and do nibble on it.  I also let them nibble on the raspberry vines from time to time and plan to plant some in their area as well.  Their "garden" will have wire around it so they cannot eat anything until it has reached a certain height/bushiness or they will eat it to the ground.  It is how I started catnip by my chicken house, set an old birdcage over it - the cats can eat all the "overgrowth" and the plant stays healthy and growing.  After I get their herb area set up better, I'll post a photo but that won't likely be until spring, growing seasons being what they are.  The comfrey has a 2x4 fence cage around it and I can see where they have been able to get a nibble out of a couple of the leaves.  Comfrey is invasive so I am looking forward to them having plenty. :-)

    I am all ears as to herbs to plant so they can choose their own medicine.

  • Cool! Thanks :) What kind of herbs do you have in your herb garden??? Is the garden in their pasture/living area??

  • Welcome! :-)

    Margaret started a thread for ideas for containers, etc.  I posted my mineral containers that I made and use.  You will find that thread here:


    I keep mine separate so they can take what they need when they need it which is what I have read is ideal, that goats know what they need and will consume it, also true of herbs, etc., which is why I have started them their own herb garden, barely started.

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