Just wanted to share our excitement here on MigMog Acres this last week! About a week ago, my landlord, who lives across the road from me, called to warn me he had heard a Cougar, and his dog took off down their driveway (which comes out across from our driveway) He found a chicken dead/killed when he got there. Then, yesterday, he came face to face with the cougar again, when he and his wife were outside, working on their trailer. They heard the cougar scream, and their dog took off down the road. My neighbor shot it, and it ran off, leaving it's kill behind. We called a tracker, and they came, but had to quit, because the time elapsed, and the heat of the day made the scent too weak for the tracker's dogs. He said he found three other carcases behind the outbuildings on my neighbor's place, and that the cat was obviously living on their place. This morning, another tracker came, and he found tracks all over the end of the driveway closest to us. The cat also came back for it's kill. Thankfully, the second tracker was able to get a good trail on the cougar, and he and his dogs found and killed it.
This is the second cougar attacking livestock close to me. Earlier this year, there was a cougar at the neighbor's just past our house, and next door to the neighbors from this last one. That cougar killed one of the Nigerian Dwarf Dairy goats on the property, (not mine) and it was pregnant.
I am 1000% conviced that the ONLY reason I have not had predator issues, is because of my LGD... and I just wanted to share!
Here's a map from Google Earth... I put arrows and numbered the spots to show you how close everything is. The whole area is probably less than 1/8th of a mile. MAYBE 1/4th. My place is next to #1... the goats are just right outside our house.
Wow! Great job, pup dog! :) I don't think we'd have a single chicken left if we didn't have our dog. The fox are thick this summer! She chases one away from one to four times a day lately.