Penny has been showing signs of labor since 7:30 this that time she was bug eyed, talking at her belly ect. Put her out in the pasture, brought her back in finally at around 3pm and she has been pawing, up and down, ligaments gone ect. But still no pushing. Should I be worried? How long can this go on for?
She is starting to look very tired, standing still in a strange hunched position, eyes drifting closed. No discharge at all yet from the lady parts.
He MAY have another attribute too, he's so far never been less than the top of the FAMACHA chart like Miyagi. That's throughout a move, breeding kinda wanted to give him some time and see if he would prove to have some merit in the parasite area. that's really important to me.
He's about 3 years old. I do like him, mostly. He's a polite boy to work around 98% of the time. He blubbered at me once when he was in rut & while he was actively breeding the does. Hasn't happened since, so I forgave him. I'm not on board to sell him now, anyway, because I know I'll wind up next fall with no one to breed my does to. I have him, he's tested negative for the stuff I care about so he's like a bird in the hand at this point.
I had thought I would probably sell him when it came time to breed his daughters, so I could put his sale price towards his replacement...we'll see.
It serves no purpose to sell him right now, then Miyagi would have no companion & I wouldn't be able to breed the does next fall. But Annie's not getting any younger and I sure wanted some daughters to keep back from her. But according to the retirement thread...hopefully I still have time to get them. She's 6 this year.
Agree Rachel! I wouldn't sell him just yet if you like him! How old is he?
I have a doe that had only had bucks until this last kidding. She had bucks with the buck she had does with. I really think there's credibility in the stronger/weaker sperm determining sex idea... and there are a lot of variables from breeding to breeding that impact that.
The woman who sold me my buck had, I think 5 kids by him last year. Wonder if she'd honestly tell me what they were if I asked her now? I pestered her about how BIG they were because after Truffle I was all over concerned with big bucks throwing big babies, and she told me the weights of all the kids he'd had for her and they were smack dab in the middle of normal, but she did not mention what gender they were.
Hubby wants to sell this buck, says he's only gonna make boys for us...
Deborah, I was having visions of this post that you put on this thread (see below) being auto-reply for all the "OMG something's wrong with this labor!! posts on here.
"I drove myself crazy the first few years with my goats, and I finally decided that if the goat is happy, I'm happy. There were times I thought a doe was in labor for two days because she was "acting funny." Truth is, I was just projecting my own desire for babies onto her. I also had a friend who stayed up with her goats for two nights before calling out the vet, who told her that they were not even pregnant! And she was absolutely sure they had been in early labor. If she is not pushing, there is usually not anything to be worried about. She just isn't ready yet."
Believe it or not even I have gotten marginally better at dealing with the labor, because I have the perspective to know when my human children are way over reacting. If they say "she's pushing it out!" that means, maybe five hours from now lol.
Yay! Congratulations! Don't worry about us and your worrying -- it's what goat grannies do best! I still worry about my goats and probably always will. I've just gotten better about talking myself through it.
As for the buck, maybe he'll make up for it next year by giving you all does? I am really excited to see what I get from Coco this year. She had quad does last year and quintuplet bucks the year before. At one point, however, she was running about 80% bucks.
What is it Deborah says? Never say never, I think is the old saying she says! I seriously doubt that he would only throw bucks, but I have heard of them throwing totally different from one year to the next, and it also seems like from what I have heard that some tend to do more throwing boys when they are younger. Now it could just be those are the cases I have heard and others could even see the opposite. But, I have heard those complaints a few times!
This is one reasons that I still like to know something about what daddy has been throwing when buying any male breeding animal! We have so much more to consider as a priority when purchasing bucks, but it could never hurt when you find that perfect buck to also find out that daddy always throws lots of girls and very few boys!
PS guys what are the chances...I just looked at the lady's website who sold me this buck. She bred him to one of her does before she sold him. That doe had twin bucks. So out of this breeding season he had five bucks and no does. Are there bucks who just don't make does lol?
Thanks everyone for the advice and encouragement. I'll post pics asap-- sorry for being a worry wart again!