My name is Theresa and we are hoping to get our goats in the next couple months. I especially like the Nigerians but we also are getting a LaMancha doe for mini-LaManchas. Looking forward to the discussions here.
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Thanks Deborah. I will definitely consider it more. Deborah Niemann-Boehle said:
It's silly -- I've got the la manchas because I think the no ears are cute. But the big goats are too much to handle. I can see why people with children or older people want NDs. Even though you have to bend over to lead them, they are easier to handle. I love my NDs, hands down! We make lots of cheese, so the ND milk is perfect for our needs. The cheese yield is twice that of the LM milk, so if I had big goats, I'd just have twice as much whey.
Six years ago, my daughter wanted mini manchas, so I bought her a pair, and the doe had worse production than my NDs, so I sold them and got a la mancha, hoping to make my own minis with good production. I finally have two doelings this year, so I'll let you know how their production is next year. The ND buck that I used on one is the son of a doe that was in the top ten list three years, including #1, and I've been really happy with his ND daughters. My la manchas only peak at about a gallon a day, which is nothing to get excited about, so we'll see how the minis do.
If you have limited space, you should probably stick with one breed, and I vote for the NDs. It's easier to develop a strong breeding program if you have more goats, and you can have 2-3 times as many NDs as standard goats in the same amount of space.
It's silly -- I've got the la manchas because I think the no ears are cute. But the big goats are too much to handle. I can see why people with children or older people want NDs. Even though you have to bend over to lead them, they are easier to handle. I love my NDs, hands down! We make lots of cheese, so the ND milk is perfect for our needs. The cheese yield is twice that of the LM milk, so if I had big goats, I'd just have twice as much whey.
Six years ago, my daughter wanted mini manchas, so I bought her a pair, and the doe had worse production than my NDs, so I sold them and got a la mancha, hoping to make my own minis with good production. I finally have two doelings this year, so I'll let you know how their production is next year. The ND buck that I used on one is the son of a doe that was in the top ten list three years, including #1, and I've been really happy with his ND daughters. My la manchas only peak at about a gallon a day, which is nothing to get excited about, so we'll see how the minis do.
If you have limited space, you should probably stick with one breed, and I vote for the NDs. It's easier to develop a strong breeding program if you have more goats, and you can have 2-3 times as many NDs as standard goats in the same amount of space.
Thanks Rachel and Deborah. Yeah, I'm getting a little nervous about getting the LaMancha ;) Deborah, how do you like your minis? Are they "the best of both worlds" or do you like your ND's far better? Do you have the minis for increased production?
Welcome!! I've only ever had a Nubian as my "other" goat breed... and I prefer Nigerians by far. I think I'd have fun with mini 'manchas too... but I sure do love my NDG. lol Looking forward to getting to know you more!!
Welcome to our group! Very nice to meet you =) This is my second time having goats - the first time I had Kinder Goats, a mini-Nubian and a Nubian. This time I have all Nigerians. I REALLY like the Nigerians =) We presently have a total of 9 goats, but one is a rent-a-buck, and one doeling is for sale. My goal is to have 2 bucks, 6 does and 2 wethers (as our ambassadors), which is pretty close to what we have right now, but I am looking for specifics on the second buck and the last doe.
Welcome! I have a herd of NDs: 17 milkers, 5 dry yearlings, 7 bucks, and 52 kids this spring. I also have two la mancha does for making minis. I have a love-hate relationship with the la manchas. They are very friendly, but they are also very big, so if we have different goals, it's not as easy to convince them to do things my way. I have a lot of days when I ask myself if the no-ears are worth the headache.
Thanks Deborah. I will definitely consider it more.
Deborah Niemann-Boehle said:
It's silly -- I've got the la manchas because I think the no ears are cute. But the big goats are too much to handle. I can see why people with children or older people want NDs. Even though you have to bend over to lead them, they are easier to handle. I love my NDs, hands down! We make lots of cheese, so the ND milk is perfect for our needs. The cheese yield is twice that of the LM milk, so if I had big goats, I'd just have twice as much whey.
Six years ago, my daughter wanted mini manchas, so I bought her a pair, and the doe had worse production than my NDs, so I sold them and got a la mancha, hoping to make my own minis with good production. I finally have two doelings this year, so I'll let you know how their production is next year. The ND buck that I used on one is the son of a doe that was in the top ten list three years, including #1, and I've been really happy with his ND daughters. My la manchas only peak at about a gallon a day, which is nothing to get excited about, so we'll see how the minis do.
If you have limited space, you should probably stick with one breed, and I vote for the NDs. It's easier to develop a strong breeding program if you have more goats, and you can have 2-3 times as many NDs as standard goats in the same amount of space.
Thanks Rachel and Deborah. Yeah, I'm getting a little nervous about getting the LaMancha ;) Deborah, how do you like your minis? Are they "the best of both worlds" or do you like your ND's far better? Do you have the minis for increased production?
Hi Theresa,
Welcome to our group! Very nice to meet you =) This is my second time having goats - the first time I had Kinder Goats, a mini-Nubian and a Nubian. This time I have all Nigerians. I REALLY like the Nigerians =) We presently have a total of 9 goats, but one is a rent-a-buck, and one doeling is for sale. My goal is to have 2 bucks, 6 does and 2 wethers (as our ambassadors), which is pretty close to what we have right now, but I am looking for specifics on the second buck and the last doe.
Look forward to getting to know you!