I wormed my little ones a couple of days ago - the youngest being 10 weeks. I used ivermectin injectable given orally - 1cc per 34 lbs per my vet's instr. several years ago.
Never seen anyone have a reaction to getting it but - I came out to their pen a little later and the one little doeling (10 wks) was laying flat on the ground - like she was dead. I grabbed her up and as I was hurrying to the barn for something for shock? she came out of it and acted a little odd for a bit then was herself again.
I thought she was having a reaction to the wormer -I had given nothing else. My husband said he thought she was just sound asleep but I've never seen them sleep like that. She is perfectly fine and full of the devil again now but I am sure worried about worming her later on. Anyone had anything like this??
Thanks to you all - these little guys sure can give me a scare sometimes.
I can't recall ever hearing of a goat having a reaction to ivermectin when given orally. Some react so violently to it when injected that a lot of people mistake it for a seizure.
I'm sure it did! I've been scared almost to death when I went into the barn and saw a doe laying flat out, and called to her even, and she didn't move until I touched her. I thought for sure she was dead. That's happened at least three times now.
Thanks Patty - maybe she was asleep and because it was after the wormer it seemed a reaction. Sure did scare me.
If I had to guess, I'd say she was indeed sound asleep. I've had them do that and scare me half to death. Especially since now she's fine, I'd guess your hubby was right. :)