So about 2 weeks ago I sold 3 goats to a 12 year old girl. One buck and two does. I had them listed $100 for the two does and $25 for the crossbred buck. Well I talked to the little girl and she asked if I would take $50 for all three and I thought about it and thought about it. Well I told the little girl I would take that since she is young and doesnt have alot of money. So they came and got them. When I talked to them on the phone and in person I stressed to them that if they did'nt want the buck (Dober) anymore I would like him back and they agreed completely.
Yesterday I got a call from the little girl.
Me: Hello
Little Girl: Hi Kolti. We can't afford to keep the goats through the winter so we are selling them would you like Dober back?
Me: Yes but you will need to bring him back. (they live about 45 min. away from me)
Little Girl: Okay. Are you going to pay me for Dober?
Me: No because I gave him to you for free.
Little Girl: So you want him back for f ree.
Me: Yes I didnt charge you anything for him.
Little Girl: Okay.
Well then this moring when I was o ut ridin the horses I got a call from the little girl again.
Me: Hello
Little Girl: Hi. There is this guy who is buying the does and he said he would like Dober too.
Me: Can I call you back in a little bit? I am out riding horses.
Little girl: Yeah thats fine.
When I was done riding I went in the house and talked to my parents and jumped on craigslist to see their add on the goats. They were asking $50 each for the does or $75 for both and $100 for the buck. Well see I gave them the buck for free plus one of the does and they were gonna sell the three all together for $175. AND I told them I wanted Dober back and what do you know they listed him on there.
I called the little girl back.
Me: Hey
Little Girl: Hi
Me: I want Dober back.
Little Girl: Okay well I already told that guy he could have all three.
Me: umm...this is not okay. I want him back.
Little Girl: Well my parents said that he is my goat now and i can do do whatever i want with him.
Me: Noooo....that wasnt the deal. Im gonna call you back here soon.
Me: Hey can we we pick him up tomorrow around 4:30?
Little Girl: No because we wont be home. But if you want Dober back youhave to pay for him.
Me: ....Can I talk to your mom?
Little Girl: No shes buisy
Me: Can you please have her call me back?
Little Girl: Well can I take a message and talk to her for you?
Me: No I want to talk to her just have her call me back.
Little Girl: Shes in the garden and she cant take the phone.
Me: Okay
Little Girl: Im really sorry Kolti I was hoping we could be friends but I guess not now.
Me: Well its just making me mad that you are selling him out from underneath me and I told you that I wanted him back when you didnt want him anymore.
Little Girl: Wellhes mine now so I can do what I want with him.
Me: You know what let me talk to my parents and Ill call you right back.
Little Girl: Okay call me right back.
Me: Hey
Little Girl: If you want Dober come pick him up today.
Me: Okay we will right now.
Little Girl: But you have to pay $25 for him.
Me: Okay whatever were coming to get him and we have the money.
She gave us directions and we left right away. My parents were not too happy at all. Whe
Oh, my. How horrible! I am now very glad my boys were wethers when they were sold with no value as bucks. I also had bad feelings about the first family (specifically the man) who were interested in my two younger wethers. They emailed back a couple of days after seeing them and said they decided not to get them so I was spared telling them they couldn't have them! Always follow your gut feelings regarding these things. After the first family (more specifically the father), I felt I would rather see them go into my son's freezer than send them to a potentially bad home. I like the wife and girls but felt the man was an abuser from his behavior and no way was I going to live with wondering what happened with those little guys the rest of my life. All three of my little guys went to great homes, especially those two.
Yes I am going to start doing contracts from now on. That was my mistake this time. Oh well...guess I learned the hard way. :/ Thank you Rachel! :)
I'm SO sorry to hear this story!! BIG HUGS to you, Kolti. That must've been really hard for you. Maybe in the future, you should get any plans to take back an animal in a contract? I know there are a lot of dog breeders that do this. For example, if you buy from a breeder that shows their dogs, and they sell you a "pet quality" animal, you sign paperwork saying that you will have the animal neutered or spayed by a certain age, and that you will not breed them. I have also seen paperwork where the person says they agree to give an animal back at their own expense (as in they would have to ship them to the breeder, or whatever) if they ever need to find a new home for the animal. It wouldn't hurt in the future, if you made up some paperwork for buyers to sign with those kind of terms on them.
Glad you got your guy back!!
Its really sad when people can do these kinds of things to others. Especially younger ones starting a business and trying to make profit. It just made me sad.
That is crazy about your geese...people like that drive me crazy.
As far as what you explained about Dober...I think that is what is going on with his belly. Thank you Deborah!
I feel really bad for Dober...cause ill never know for sure what they did to him. :/
Sorry to hear you had such a bad experience. Many of us have come to realize that if someone can't afford to buy goats, they can't afford to care for them. Plus, there are people who will try to buy animals as cheaply as possible for the sole purpose of reselling them at a profit. Someone came by my farm last winter trying to buy everything dirt cheap. The only thing I sold him were six male geese that were about 8 years old for $50. After talking to a couple of friends here about the situation, I'm about 99% sure that he took them to the animal swap and sold them as "breeding pairs" for a very nice profit. You can't sex or age geese by looking at them, so some poor unsuspecting buyer got taken. So, that's another reason NOT to buy animals at a livestock sale. One of my friends told me that a guy bought several of her goats, giving her this story about how much his kids were going to love them, and the next day she saw them at the sale barn. She started crying, and he just laughed at her. Sounds like these people might be using their daughter in their money-making scheme, which is especially sad.
As for Dober -- if his belly was really huge, and you press it in, and it stays dented in for a minute or so, it could be because he was getting really poor quality food, so he was stuffing himself trying to get the nutrients he needed. The vet professor who first described this to me called the rumen "doughy" because it feels like dough. Think of how cookie dough feels when you press on it. After a day or so of good feed, the belly should look normal again, because he was only there for two weeks, so it shouldn't take too long to get him back in good condition.
Goats have great memory, so if you keep loving on Dober, he should come around and remember that you were always nice to him! Good luck!
Sorry computer issues.
When we got there Dober was out in a big field and I feel like he was abused. I had a collar and leash and put them on him and lead him back to the truck and we loaded him up and gave the little girl her money. Her parents didn't even bother to come over and say anything to us. (how rude?!) We just left after we got him loaded. Im not overly impressed. I noticed as I was walking up to him that he looked bloated. And he just seems like a different goat he gets really mad when someone walks up to him and kinda shys away like hes gonna be beat or something. As far as looking bloated...not totall sure. He seems to be feeling fine and his stomach doesnt feel really hard but it is a little. Im just upset on his condition and how he reacts with people now. I dont know what to do. I am just thankful I have him back home. But he seems to hate people now. :'(