We have started a new family business, Hearts Toward Home Publications and we will be publishing two magazines, one for boys and one for girls. They are for ages 12-17 and will teach Godly living and practical skills. The girls magazine, Growing in Virtue, will premier this July. For our barnyard section in this first issue, we will be featuring Nigerian Dwarf goats. I am looking for folks willing to share photos of their NDs. I need photos of everybody- bucks, does, and kids, and a variety of close-up and pastoral. If you've got some photos of great-looking udders, I'll take those, too, as we'll be writing about what makes a good milker. If you have any helpful information, tips, or anecdotes you would like to share about NDs, that would be appreciated. Make sure to list any info that you would like to have included, such as: photo credit, farm name, goat's name, possible caption, etc. If I use what you send, you will get a complimentary issue if you wish. If you would be willing to answer any questions about NDs as I write, let me know! Our little operation is too small and too new for me to have my photos so would love some help! Send photos/info to editor@growinginvirtue.com. I've included our website for Growing in Virtue so you can take a look. Thank you! :) www.growinginvirtue.com
You need to be a member of Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goats to add comments!
Margaret, we don't mind messy, but it's amazing how quick pages fill up. I would love some pics of newborns! We are not getting too awfully detailed, so I don't need any of labor and delivery, just the immediate afterwards. It might be nice to have something in the photo to give an idea of just how small these babes are. I have one that might work where I used my hand, but it might be a little blurry. I may not have space to use them, but to have them just in case would be great!
Kolti, we are just doing NDs for now. I need to pace myself so we don't use all our material at once. lol :) Can't wait to see pics. :)
The article is written, although I till need to do the short blurbs on what makes a good milker and tips for milking NDs. I can use some of my own experiences, but it's fun to have a bunch of ideas and comments. :) Now I'm going to bed. I thought this west coast lady was up late, but I'm learning some of you back-easterners (and southerners) are a bit night-owlish. :)
I will try and get those pics out to you asap!! Also if you would like I can tell you a little bit on how I got started into raising goats!! Are you doing it on just NDs? I raise registered nubians and registered nigerian dwarfs and iv got some really nice pics of one of my registered nubian's udder!! lol
Wendi, since this has come back up, are their any kidding pics you would like captured? I have one due soon so I thought that if I don't miss the kidding that I might get a chance to get a few shots if there is anything special you want! Wasn't sure if you wanted anything "messy" for this purpose!
Thank you, Kolti! If you could email them to editor@growinginvirtue.com that would be great! Make sure to include any credits and captions. :)
I have some pictures of my two nigerian does if you would like and also one of me with my registered nigerian doe and her kid from last year!!
Thank you, Margaret! :) I will be sure to let you know if and what I use. I really appreciate it. :)
Wendi, this sounds like a lovely idea and if I happen to capture a good shot that I think would work I will let you know. Meanwhile, if you see anything on my page or anywhere that I have posted you are interested in, feel free! I don't worry about people "stealing" my stuff! It is here to share and therefore you are borrowing whatever you need. Just let me know if you do so I can check it out in print and enjoy it too!
That said, I really just wanted to say congrats and may God Bless you in this adventure!