I had two doelings born 8 days ago. After a few days I noticed one was breathing a little hard but tried not to read too much into it. By morning it was evident that they were sick so they were taken to the vet. They had pneumonia and were being treated.
Momma and babies were put in a nice warm room per Doctor's orders. They were doing much better and temps went back to normal and everything seemed like it was going to be fine. The next morning they were non responsive.
We took them back to the vet and all of the vitals were normal. They had fluid in the lungs so he began treating for it via the jugular. Almost immediately one of them began coming around.
That was three days ago. Yesterday the one came to so much that she began taking a bottle. They were urinating and defecating just fine. Vitals still normal. Fluid clearing the lungs. The one that never came to passed this morning and the other went downhill again.
He says that the only thing he can come up with after researching is delayed premature onset or something like that. Although the breeder believes them to be on time. I would be grateful for any input that anyone might have to help me solve this mystery.
Thank you Margret! And yes, it was comforting to get some answers
That is very sad, but I am glad you were able to get some answers, at least. Hopefully that will give you some peace of mind about the facts that you did nothing wrong and it could not be helped. I know how we always beat ourselves up every time something goes wrong, even though we do our very best to do all we can. May God bless you and your herd!
The vet did a necropsy and said that the insides showed definite signs that the doelings were not done developing....
Thank you.
So sorry for your loss. :(
Dasha, I am so very sorry! My prayers are with you and their mom too! I wish there was something I could do!
They are gone, but thank you for the responses...
Dasha, forget for a minute that THE BREEDER THINKS THEY WERE ON TIME and tell us what YOU think about the timing! Do you KNOW when she was bred, for sure? Do you KNOW the exact dates she was AT the breeders? Regardless of rather or not she was suppose to be exposed to a buck?
Even in FULL TERM human babies many congenital respiratory and heart problems frequently do not manifest themselves UNTIL AFTER the first 48 hours! This is why most in the medical field still do not want moms and babies to leave the hospital before babies are 48 hours old!
You may want to ask the vet if there is anything available (I think what they use for humans is a steroid but I am not sure about that) that can be given to her that will help the lungs mature quickly IF that is what he feels is the problem!
I haven't had any experience in this area... I'm so sorry! Someone will be here to answer you that does, I'm sure.