Hi, i'm Jenna Walker, and at this moment, i don't have any goats at all. in our family, i have at least one sister who can't have cows milk, but goat milk is okay, so my mom and i are doing research on ND goats, and hope to get 2 sometime. even though we don't have any goats, we have about 50 alpacas, so i'm not really worried about the kidding process, since i saw a birthing video, and it looks basically the same as an alpaca birth. however, i understand that goats are quite different from alpacas, so i'm here to learn as much as i can about them. if anyone feels like PMing me random things that they feel are important to raising goats (what to do w/ the kids after they're weaned if you don't want to keep them, how much pasture space two goats need, etc), i would appreciate any assistance i could get. THANK YOU! (oh, and, there are 11 people in our family, including me, and we all like milk, so i'm not really worried about what to do w/ the milk once i've got it ;)).
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Welcome, Jenna!! There is a lot of good information here. I'd suggest using the forum's search feature and trying to find specific threads with the keywords you are looking for. You might be able to house your goats in the same fields as your alpacas... I know a lot of people that keep them together (one alpaca with a few goats) I think it's pretty easy.
Welcome, Jenna!! There is a lot of good information here. I'd suggest using the forum's search feature and trying to find specific threads with the keywords you are looking for. You might be able to house your goats in the same fields as your alpacas... I know a lot of people that keep them together (one alpaca with a few goats) I think it's pretty easy.