Herd Name!

Hey everybody, I am in a quandry, and need some opinions.  My 18 year old son, who is, as I type on his way home from signing up in the army chose our herdname. We all just love it, especially because of the story behind its birth. Bent Penny Acres - But it is long. I talked to Audrey at AGS and my options for possible names and tattoos are all available. So I am wondering how some of them sound to other people. Thought I would toss a few out there. If you have an opinion DON'T hesitate to share it PLEASE! Our web, cards and every thing will be Bent Penny Acres I am only trying to decide what to actually register as the herd name. 1) Bent Penny Acres (Love it but kinda long) 2) Bent Penny 3) BPA or maybe 4) BPA Herd -the lady at AGS suggested #2 might work 3&4 are short but will people make the association easy enough, not to mention the BPA part reminds you of what you avoid in plastic so sounds kinda scary. I just don't know for sure what I want to register and I know it is permanent once done! I don't want to shorten to the extent of people not realizing that what they see on the names belongs to our farm but at the same time I want everyone to have as many spaces as possible for names. I hope this makes some since!

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  • I LOVE YOU GUYS! Ya'll all a hoot! I just know one day I will get to meet up with some of you at a goat show or something.

  • You really do lose a lot when you can't hear the tone of voice the other person is talking in. Funny that we were both feeling bad!! I agree it's nice here, because we have enough in common we all try to understand where the other person is coming from. Glad we got our mix up straightened out! I would have had a whole NEW reason to feel bad. lol

  • Thanks a lot sweety. That did make me feel so bad because I thought you took it wrong. But I do understand, that is the down side of texting, forums and emailing and such. You don't get to hear inflections and read body language etc. It really makes things difficult sometimes. I have noticed that about 99% or better of communication on this forum goes very well. I guess it is easier to communicate with people when you have something so wonderful in common. Everyone is so concerned and compassionate about what is going on with each other. That is what makes it work. I believe we just all think positively and that helps us to assume the best of each other. I feel a lot better now!

  • No, don't feel bad!! I just felt bad making you do my dirty work!! lol But if you were looking because I got you curious, then I don't feel so bad. :)

    Margaret Langley said:

    Sorry, I hope you didn't take that wrong. I certainly did not mean to imply anything bad. It just struck me as one of those things that I wanted to know too, after you asked it. So I wanted to let you know that I was looking so you wouldn't waste your time looking too! Not  that my opinion matters, but you should know after what I wrote about your farm name story that I really like "Cracked Egg". I would buy a goat from a farm w/ that name and be proud to have it on my registration paper because it is a good original name!

  • I like Cracked Egg too!! I could leave off the Farm part, and just use the CrackedEgg...  So a baby's name might be Cracked Egg Annie Oakly? Is that how it works?

  • I love "Cracked Egg" for a name; it is so cool and tells the story.  If it is only shorter you want, maybe "CrckdEgg" though I like the "Whetzel5" as well.  Aint' this group grand?!!

    Rachel Whetzel said:

    So I have a question... can actual NUMBERS go into a herd name? I'm thinking of registering my herd name different from my farm name... I already have my tattoo which is whet5 (the first letters of my last name, and the number of people in my family) Thinking I might just use that as a herd name too, and call my FARM Cracked Egg... Whetzel 5 is seven characters instead of 11 for the other...

  • Sorry, I hope you didn't take that wrong. I certainly did not mean to imply anything bad. It just struck me as one of those things that I wanted to know too, after you asked it. So I wanted to let you know that I was looking so you wouldn't waste your time looking too! Not  that my opinion matters, but you should know after what I wrote about your farm name story that I really like "Cracked Egg". I would buy a goat from a farm w/ that name and be proud to have it on my registration paper because it is a good original name!

  • I'm registering with ADGA only. You didn't have to look things up for me!! I can do that... just thought maybe someone here would know already. I'm still torn... lol Cracked Egg isn't that much longer than Whetzel 5... lol

  • I am looking up some things for you. But so far I have looked at Crazy 8 website and seen several on the sale page that appear to be named Crazy 8 ... whatever, SOOOO I am guessing that means you can. At least with some org. That would be a potential problem depending on who you reg. with. 

  • So I have a question... can actual NUMBERS go into a herd name? I'm thinking of registering my herd name different from my farm name... I already have my tattoo which is whet5 (the first letters of my last name, and the number of people in my family) Thinking I might just use that as a herd name too, and call my FARM Cracked Egg... Whetzel 5 is seven characters instead of 11 for the other...

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