Hi everyone! My name is Tori. I'm 15 and have been raising goats my whole life. My mom bred and raised them when I was younger and about 4 years ago I took over the business. We have a herd of around 25. We have had 15 babies born this year so far and we have 1-2 more does to go. We raise Pygmy and Nigerian Dwarf goats. In the past couple of years, we have done extremely well in the show ring and I was finally happy with the quality of our herd. Well, the happiness was short lived because over the winter, we lost all 3 of our major champions. Jewel, a beautiful 7 X Grand Champion Nigerian Dwarf just didn't look good one day and about 5 days latter se was gone. Than about a month later, the same thing happened to our 1X Grand Champion Pygmy doe Root Beer. At this point I felt lost, but I had no idea what was in store in the next 3 months. On the morning of March 27, 2011 I woke up to the sound of my Mom calling that they dog jumped over the dog yard fence and into the pasture. Long story short, the dog killed my first project goat, Karma. She was born here 3 years ago and was my baby from the moment she hit the ground. She was 4 months pregnant and couldn't run away. Not only was she easy to show and had a great personality, but she was a highly complemented champion in the show ring. I still cry about it. I feel lost without Karma and my perfect herd seems to be falling apart. We still have some nice does, but our best three are gone.
Well, thanks for letting me vent and now you know a little more about me! I'm really excited to have joined this site and I hope I meet some crazy goat people like me!
Welcome to our group, Tori! I'm so sorry to hear about your goat losses over the winter. It is so frustrating and sad. I lost one in my first herd due to a compound fracture that got infected and then this year I lost my second one, a wether. I have two does who are doing poorly and the vet and I are trying to figure out why. We think it is minerals, and are trying various things to fix it.
Glad you could join us! We look forward to getting to know you!
Welcome! Welcome!! I'm so sorry for your losses... I haven't had any yet... but I know they are inevitable... and not any easier to get used to if you've had one or three... I look forward to getting to know you more here!!