I've mentioned this sad doe I just bought...she came home emaciated, anemic with very bad lice AND gave pink eye to Penny
I did eprinex, got rid of the lice, dewormed her with Ivermectin, and gave her Red Cell daily for about two weeks. Got rid of the crusty eyes. Then I gave her a copper bolus. She is doing much better, gained a good amount of weight (I haven't weighed her but I can see it on her)
She sheds like nothing I have ever seen. My other goats don't do this. Her coat was very rough and broken when I brought her home. Breeder says she gave her E & Sel prior to kidding which would be a month and a half ago now.
She is white with black spots, and the black hair falls out more than the white...very weird, so her black spot is almost bald but not the surrounding white.
I think I read the hair falling out can be Vit E & Sel but I am afraid to give her more because she had that one already plus I think it is in the Red Cell...she has not had the Red Cell for maybe two weeks now because after the copper bolus I was afraid to give her too m any different concentrated supplements.
Any thoughts/suggestions? Her color is better, she has come up at least one notch on the FAMACHA
Hi again, well it certainly sounds like you have your hands full. I can totally understand it when you say your a bleeding heart. Thats what my husband calls me some time. One of my goats ( Nobowaya ) aka Oliver is a rescue. I'm sure thing will all work out. I would love to see pictures sometime. Lyn
Juliana Goodwin said:
Juliana, what flea and tick bath did you use? I bought a goat once that had lice and I sprayed her with the adams spray that said it killed lice. I never saw another lice on a goat.
lol Did you notice that your balding one had hair just underneath ready to grow back in? Mine lost her long coat, but she was never ACTUALLY bald... there was shorter fur coming in just under it all.
OK, Still oh no, almost half mine are buckskins! LOL! So I sure hope not. I'm hoping it was some other freak coincidence thing!
Rachel Whetzel said:
No, mine was the opposite! More of the buckskin hair than the black! I also dosed with parasite meds, but I did that to all the goats, and this is the only one it happened to. She had also not been dosed with copper in a long time. (over 6 months)
Well for my doe I know that she had not had copper bolus in exactly a year according to the woman I bought her from.
The only other thing I could think of was we did give her that flea and tick bath the first night we realized she was so infested wiht lice. The feed stores were all closed and we could not get any medicine to give her and it was so awful, hubby talked me into doing it. I wondered if the chemicals in that shampoo made her lose her hair?
But like Rachel said, it is mostly the black hair, not the white. so weird.
This has been bubbling around in the back of my head all day (as I'm supposed to be finishing up edits on my next book) and it just clicked! I have only ever had two goats lose their hair after COWP, and in both cases, it was goats that I had already supplemented a month earlier. In both cases, I was giving the second dose of COWP because of bad internal parasites, and the research I've read, they have supplemented even sheep as often as monthly, so it seemed safe. I am wondering if it pushed them into the gray area between "plenty" and "toxic." I know I have copper deficiency issues here, based upon liver biopsies, and I've never had a goat lose their hair like these two did. I also know that COWP does push the copper up there. I had a biopsy done on a buckling's liver a week after bolusing and it was 175 ppm on a scale where 25-150 ppm is normal, but toxicity isn't really seen until you're over 250, so 175 was nothing to worry about. Sooooo, I'm just wondering if the goats that blew their coats didn't really need the copper? It's food for thought! Now I gotta get back to my manuscript!
lol Only ONE of mine blew her coat... and that's why I wondered if it had something to do with her coat pattern. She's a buckskin, and her buckskin fur is the fur she really blew. I just wondered if somehow the two toned coloring made a difference...
Oh great, Rachel, now you tell me this! When I just did everyone in my herd for the first time. Now, I am having visions of all of them running around naked! Not in show clips. But, BALD, NAKED! It is a horrible vision. I gotta go pinch myself, now!!!
I have one doe that has totally blown her coat each time I dose with COWP. I don't know if it is just coincidence or not... but this year it was worse than last. She has otherwise good health, FAMCHA eye color, etc... just BLOWS her coat. There's always a very short layer of fur waiting to grow in underneath... I've wondered if it's her coloring? All of her light hair shed worse than her black this year, but all of it got thin.