I vaguely remember reading somewhere on this list or another Nigerian area about someone with a goat where she shows some undercoat stuff around her neck. It makes it look like a duller, light gray fuzz is poking through around the neck area.
I have 2 sisters who do this as well and I didn't think much about it - their coat is the sleek shiney thin type of coat as compared to some of my other girls who are more coarse and thicker all the time.
However - my pregnant girl with the undercoat is showing more of it as the last couple weeks have gone on. I think everyone's weight is good, getting decent foods but I wonder if I'm low in fats?
Any ideas what I should think? Her outer coat remains shiney and lovely but since she has less outer coat than the fuzzies - she shows this under coat and I just want to cover all my bases!
Both of my adult does are shedding their cashmere (which I am brushing out and saving so that someday when I have time I can clean it and blend it with wool from my sheep and spin it, someday being probably 100 years from now). Two of my goat breeder friends said their does are shedding like mad, too. Needless to say, I don't save any cashmere my bucks shed, although they're so gross by this time of the winter I can't tell if there is any cashmere on them. :)
What you are seeing is your doe's cashmere layer! It's her winter coat! :)
One of my does has a VERY thick cashmere layer. Much thicker than the rest of my herd. It's normal, and will come out when the weather warms up. :)
All my does get a nice thick under down in the winter. I would be worried if they didn't. It will shed out in the spring - then I comb it out. It is -on my girls - a lighter color.