Introducing Shamrock
Gerle Ranch Maxwell X Frostbitty Japanzy Born 4/23/12 3:00 P.M. 4 lbs. We are so thrilled with little Shammy. What a sweet little cutie he is, and so special since he's the first kid born on our farm! His blue eyes are a real surprise, since his sire and dam are both brown eyed. I was under the impression that didn't happen, but I guess the gene slipped in there somewhere.
Boy, this is fun! :)
Thanks, Deborah. It's not really bad news, since I wasn't at all expecting any of her kids to have blue eyes. I sure hope they turn brown now! I'm almost 100 % sure there was no fence jumping involved. The only other possibility is I'm mistaken about which buck actually has the blue eyes. One of the bucks my does were bred to has blue eyes, but I'm pretty sure it's the one my other two does were with. At any rate, he's adorable and we're happy! :)
Deborah Niemann-Boehle said:
Congratulations! I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but if both parents have brown eyes, the little guy will have brown eyes. Some brown-eyed kids might look blue-eyed at birth, but they change within about a week. I remember having the same experience as you our first year and being so excited with one of our kids having blue eyes at birth. If his eyes don't change, then you have a blue-eyed fence jumping buck somewhere.
Congrats! Love his markings.
Oh how UDDERLY precious! I thought I couldn't wait for babies before. After seeing this I don't know how I am going to survive waiting for babies! That is just soooooo awesome! Have fun! Oh yea, about that name, Shamrock. That is way cool too!