We are a little late at 12 days but we had to reorder the iron from another company because of a backorder.I need prayers that I did it right, hubby is afraid that I didn't burn enough. If you think of the mechanics of what you are doing and focus on that instead of pain etc. it is not really so bad having to do the procedure. After doing it, I can honestly say that I am certain they are more p'd off about being restrained than they are worried about the pain.
However I do want to know if any of you ever had one just go totally still-like a state of shock. Half way through on the little doe she got real still and was making a little weird noise and I was afraid we were squishing her to hard and that she was struggling to breath or something so we backed off a little and she just stayed motionless in the same position, eyes open and breathing fine but not so much as a blink. I just started right back to work real quick and when had finished for a couple seconds she shook her head as if a fly was there or something and was back to normal. We are convinced that she was in shock.
They are running all over the yard playing. And Bob keeps mounting his sister Leigh at 12 days. Go figure! Hubby thinks he is showing off cause we took the horns but not his jewels. He doesn't realize how lucky he is that I am not taking those off too. I want him to breed me some more meat goats before he is slaughtered so we won't be doing that part.
Well, double good for ya'll then doing castrating too! Whew, is right. My Hubby offered, but no way, I don't trust anybody to do that kind of stuff but me. If it gets screwed up I can only blame myself. Course, now that I think about it he is a welder and he might could do a good job of this. I am just use to doing these kind of things because I have always been the animal lover. He's just the one who has always been kind enough to let me have them and support us but it is always my doings us having them you know? Hope they do good Jan and thanks to everyone once again for all your support!
Good for you! We did our three boys yesterday and castrated today. Whew glad that's done. Hubby does the work I just hold the bucklings while it happens.
LOL, I am so sorry to laugh Marin,but it seems that we have a few drama queens on our hands ay? Thanks girls for all your support. I just hope I don't have to redo them. But I figure better to learn on the mutts than what might possibly be a show quality Nigi!
I had one doeling collapse after being disbudded. I hadn't done anything differently, the iron wasn't on any longer than normal, but she just fell over. I rushed her into the house and sat with an ice pack on her head for a bit and then she was up and happy and bouncy with no further issues. I think it was just her shock-like reaction to the whole thing, I don't think she'd actually been damaged beyond a normal disbudding.
Thought I would throw in pics for good measure. The copper doesn't show as good in here as in real life but it is there and one tiny spot on the doe is white.
And no rejection from momma, YAY!
Just about any type of response is "normal." Some stop screaming as soon as you're through the skin. On the other hand, I've even had a couple of kids pee on me! And I do think some get freaked out about being restrained as much as the pain. Some are screaming so much about being restrained that the pitch and volume doesn't change much when you start to burn. Congratulations on surviving your first disbudding!