My two bucklings fight if I have them near each other ever since breeding season.  Once they are castrated - this Wednesday - will it abate? Will the testosterone fade enough and if so - how fast. I want to keep both of them but can't if they fight all the time.

It isn't the normal head butting - this is serious business with blood. So I've been keeping them at 2 different farms where they are of course peaceful with their wether buddy. Hard on me.

So the sooner they can be together like old days - the better.

Any ideas?


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  • Yes, it should fade, but I don't know how long it will take. I'd guess it could take up to a couple of months, and I think it could take that long to "clear their systems" of active sperm if they've reached maturity so you might want to avoid putting them in with any does you don't want bred for a bit yet.

    I have one wether who was neutered as a baby and is very calm and friendly when with the does, although he does let us know when one is in heat (this is his purpose). If we keep him with the bucks and put doe in with them he'll actually become more aggressive than the intact buck and keep the doe for himself. He's even been aggressive towards me when I've gone in to get him out (rearing up and trying to stomp me with his front feet) when in with another buck and a doe. But when it's just him and the girls he's completely gentle, even if I take away a doe that he's identified as being in heat.

  • My bucks fight until they bleed a lot during the Fall, but they stop once doe's stop having stronger heats. I think it's pretty normal.

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