I'd like some opinions on feeding bucklings. I have two bucklings that I'm keeping as herd sires. They are three months old and separated from their moms. Because of limited space/fence, right now they don't get outside very often. Sometimes we take them for walks or let them run around with us when we're outside.
They get about 1/2 c. of a grain mix in the morning and evening to share. They also get a big handful of alfalfa hay morning and evening (about a dish pan full). They have free choice timothy hay available all the time. They also get loose minerals with kelp, and baking soda. Does all this sound good? I don't put anything in their water. Should I be doing that now, when they're so young? How long should I be giving grain?
Oh, and in case it matters, my grain mix contains:
4 parts 0ats
4 parts 14 % horse chow (Nutrena SafeChoice original)
about 3 parts cracked corn and wheat mixture (actually labeled as chicken scratch grains)
1 part BOSS
I recently read that you should not give bucks baking soda - it said it works opposite in what you are trying to accomplish in your prevention program (urinary tract calculi) it is in the Hoeggers Supply Mag under the Health Tips section. I dont think I have read that anywhere else.....
Feeding for milk - my neighbor mixes grain, boss, two different kinds of peas, kelp - anything else?? I dont know, but her milk production is awesome.
Thank you, Deborah. I was feeling a bit unsure as the bucklings were getting older, so it really helps to have some confirmation. Now I won't feel so unsure every time I go out to feed them. :)
This sounds good to me! My bucks don't get kelp, although that's just because I'm being cheap. My does and kids get it free choice, so buckling get it as long as they're with mom.
Patty Meyer said:
Thanks, Janel. :)
I sold off all my babies that I wasn't keeping, and the others continued nursing until I sold one of the mothers, and the other mom suddenly passed away, due to some plastic that clogged her ruman. Most people let the kids nurse until you don't want them to anymore, or if mom kicks them off. When it comes to wethers and buckling. Most people remove bucklings from mom around 2 months and wethers can be banded around 5-6 weeks. Wethers can stay with mom until they are sold or weaned at 2 months. I let my wether nurse till he was sold at 3 months. My goats get baking soda and mineral free choice, and fresh water. I haven't done kelp yet, but I plan on implementing that in to my feeding schedule. Some people keep it free choice. Others add to the milking does feed. We don't have a lot of grazing this year, so they get 70% grass hay and 30% alfalfa mix for the does and kids and my bucks only get grass hay. As for my feed mixture I do 3 parts Noble goat, 1 part rolled oats, 1 part BOSS, and 1 part alfalfa pellets. I was feeding my goats Purina Goat chow, and a goat friend gave me her goat mixture and my goats coats just shine and they look so healthy. Hope this answers your question Patty :0)
What Janel does is exactly what I started out doing, but now I need a confirmation on what the next step should be. Am I doing things right now, and how long should I continue before changing something, and what would the changes need to be? What I'm thinking I should be working toward is weaning them off of grain and alfalfa by around 6 months, then fresh water, minerals, kelp, baking soda and browse or weedy grass hay free choice. Is that right? Is the kelp something more for milking does, or good for the bucks as well?
Hi, I wouldn't consider myself experienced, but this is what I do. All my babies are fed grain till their about 5 months old. I mix my own grain rations and they all get the same thing. I give my babies 1/2c morning and night. My milkers I just fill up the bowl and let them eat until I am done milking them. So each time varies. I had 2 first fresheners this year so I waited a little longer to separate, then I think most people do. My first doe had triplets, so I waited 6 weeks then I started separating over night. My second doe had twins and I waited 4 weeks. My last doe was not a first freshener I milked her right after the baby was born. She was so engorged, that he couldn't even latch on. I just froze what I got so later down the road if I need it I have the colostrum. I milked her several times a day, because he wasn't eating as much as she was making so I was acting as her 2nd baby. Now I milk her morning and night, even with the baby on. I haven't started separating yet, but plan on maybe tonight. He is 3 weeks old. My babies have started picking at mommies grain at about 1-2 weeks old, and that is great. When I separate mom and babies I use this time to give the babies grain, and they always have hay/alfalfa available. Hope this helps a little!! :0)