You are not going to believe it, but our nonregistered Nigerian Dwarf Doe had 5 kids. Two of them tried to come out side ways, two butt first and one regular. All were born alive, however one died later morning. It's amazing that the mom did not die.
We have 3 doelings and 1 male. :) They seem stable.
Sycamore Springs Farm
Very Cute Congrats!!
Wow, five is great! I know my doe has quads, but I'd worry considerably about five I think. Are you having to bottle feed the two little ones? I know that's pretty normal.
I've heard they can have up to 6.....
I have a black and white baby for you then! HA!
I don't know what it is about the black and whites, but they turn me in a mooshy, baby-talking mess.
Tammy two years ago my IDGR Recorded Grade Doe Ethel had 5, as well. Ethel and I joked about it. She had 2 almost at the same time. I told her, Ethel, you have to slow down woman!!!
Then a week ago one of my AGS Nigerian Does Cocoa had 5 (3 bucks and 2 does). Two of them must have been born basically at the same time. There were two sacks hanging from her, which I thought was odd. Well, then she had one kid. I was getting him out of the sack and breathing when I looked behind her and saw the other one still in the sack choking. Everybody turned out ok.
Congrats on your little ones.
Very cute , Congratulations.
Congrats! So happy for you for mom and the four who made it. Sorry for the loss of the fifth.:-(
One then three then five - see a pattern there? No way would she have seven next time, but it does cause one to pause. Hopefully, next time it will be a litter of healthy triplets. In the meantime, enjoy. :-)
So cute!!!!
Thanks Margaret! We get to keep two does and have sold the other doe and the wether together to some nice folks so all is good. As I am sure everyone in group agrees, after just 4 years I can now not imagine a life with out goats! Kidding season is especially Magic.
AAWWWWWWWW! I am SOOO happy for you! Sorry, one died but I so hope that everything goes wonderful for your remaining FOUR! What a Blessing!
They are so cute! Our doe Bonnie had 5 this year too. One did not make it and little Junie B. is tiny but the all 4 remaining are amazing. I do feel bad for poor mama though she seems very ready for her own stall with her wether boyfriend Don Pedro each night! Did your doe make sad noises in the final weeks? Our sounded so downtrodden with her heavy breathing, now I know why! She is almost like yours. 1 first year, 4 next year, 5 this year. We did BoSe for the first time this year and had almost all triplets, only one set of 2 and no single kids out of seven mamas. I wonder if the two are connected. Did you BoSe?