Hey folks
So my doe, Chutney is due to kid next month and I'm going to need to get myself a disbudding iron. Back in the day I disbudded calves at the University of Connecticut so I'm familiar with the process (yet definitely out of practice), but I've never disbudded anything as small as a Nigerian Dwarf kid before.
So, my main question is: what size tip should I be looking for? I was thinking 1/2" but I've also read that 1/4" is best for small breeds. What does everyone out there use for their kids?
Also, does anyone have any additional tips or pointers for this gal who hasn't done this in a while?
I'd be worried about using a 3/4" tip. The vet did our first kids with a tip that size, and although six worked out okay, one wound up with a burned eyelid, so he had trouble closing his eye all the way when he was a couple months old.
Denise Ryan said:
Not to be too dramatic, but my sister had a vet anesthetize twin doelings to disbud them and they both died under anesthesia. Maybe wait until she's older and her body can handle it better?
We have the Rhinehart X30 - I guess it is 1/2 in. We have had some scur problems but now my hubby keeps a torch and if the iron isn't red hot he uses the torch on it. We think that was our problem - it wasn't getting hot enough. Too bad we have to do that awful job but sure is nasty if they end up with scurs.
We have a little doeling that has a unicorn horn - think we missed popping the bud off one side. Our vet says he can take care of it so hope that works well. She is too pretty a girl to have her head messed up. He said he can take it off just below the hair line and then burn it but will put her to sleep to do it. Anyone had good results from that?
I purchased the Rhinehart X-30 for small calves and goats. The tip measures 3/4". I didnt find a 1/2" tip. Is this too large for Nigerian kids?
They also have other sizes. the Rhinehart X30, R5-D5 3/8 inch for about $59.00. I have never disbudded a goat so i will need lots of nerve!
Deborah Niemann-Boehle said:
Thanks for the info. I've been the one dealing with the scurs on my Mom's wethers so I definitely don't want any of those. I think I'll go with the 1/2" tip on that rhinehart x30.
thanks, Deborah!
Deborah Niemann-Boehle said:
And I'm pretty sure we have the 1/2 inch tip. I'm looking at a ruler, and I can't imagine using a 1/4"! For bucks, you have to burn even wider, because they'll grow scurs up front if you don't get far enough forward. So, after my husband does the initial burn, he moves it forward a little and burns more up front on bucks. We were initially paranoid about getting too far forward because a vet disbudded our first kids, and he damaged the eyelid on one of them, but he had a really big calf disbudder.
So, I guess I had more than one tip! Oh, well! Good luck!