Diapers for goats

I everyone and Happy New Year. Hope the holidays were great for you.

I usually have a goat in the truck(dog harness) and take them to nursing homes , respite and rehabs. Would be nice if I did not have to pick M&M's off people.

Also, my goats seem to get this dry cough. They have been tested for just about everything and come up clean. Logged when and what I used in the barn, it is driving me nuts as one little guy sounds like he has the whooping cough. Have tried vicks, vaporizers, sleeping in a serperate stall to keep his head and chest elevated. He is not congested, no fever but a terrible crusty nose in the morning

Seems like a head cold or allergy but have alternated different beddings for a period of time nothing changed. Also checked on foods. HELP!!!! For me and for Jethro

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  • That would be a great idea with the doggie diapers. My mom has a little white maltese and when she's in heat, she has this little "thong looking" thing that holds 1/3 of a panty liner, and it works great for the blood, but not sure with the berries and pee. You should "invent" them and make a killin from the goat community :-)


  • Hi Margaret, so I got the information from Deborah.  I ordered them from Frontier CO-OP, I just gave my goat a handful night and day for a few weeks.  I guess it is kinda like vitamin C for goats and just gives their immune system a bust.  They are the hard ball part of the rose buds after they die off for winter.  After I ordered them and saw exactly what it was, I went around to people I knew, who do not put chemicals on their rose plants, and got enough to just give my goats some every week through out the winter.  Hope this is helpful.  If you have any other questions, just let me know :0)

  • Janel, I need to do the rose hips thing! Is that all I need to know or do they come in different forms or anything and how much do I use? Do you put it on food or what? Help! Give details please!

  • I know they make diapers for dogs when they go into heat.  I wonder if they would work for goats?!? 

    One of my goats had a cough which seemed like forever and Deborah suggested using Rose Hips.  Within a week of giving those to him, his cough was gone.  I told my breeder who was also having a cough issue and she started giving them to her goats.  The goat who had a chronic cough for a year stopped coughing within a week.  You can order them online.  They were really helpful!!

  • Could it just be that he's super sensitive to dust or something in the every day environment...?

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