My FF is at day 145 today. She has gone through some major changes over the course of the day and I wanted to post pics to see what ya'll think. Tonight when I went out to put the goats up in the barn, her udder made me do a second take! It has definitely filled up and this morning her ligs were tight and like pencils and tonight they have softened considerably. Also, looking at the pictures, it looks like she dropped from the noon pic to the evening pic (first pic is this morning, second is noon, third is tonight). Oh my gosh I believe we're going to have kids soon!!
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Just thought I'd mention, Leela never had a mucus stream. I was watching her constantly but she only had little dabs of mucus for days before she delivered. I guess that's not always the most reliable sign. She talked to me constantly but didn't paw the ground much before she went into hard labor. Seems like you really have to be intuitive or observant enough to see the differences in their attitudes and actions. The udder was the biggest sign for me-- that and her being so vocal. OH, and definitely her ligaments disappeared and I had practiced feeling them for a week before.
YAY!! Congratulations! Can't wait for details and pics!
Glenna Rose said:
THREE babies, just before midnight on Day 140. More later, going back out. Color me HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!!!
Beautiful! Congratulations!
Summer and I are right behind you. Her udder was large yesterday but by morning, it was huge and even tighter tonight. I moved her into the kidding pen; her last year's daughter is sleeping under the milk stand beside her so she has company. Her ligaments are soft/gone and she is breathing heavy. She is getting up and down a lot though no mucus string yet. A year ago, as a FF, she had triplets an hour start to finish with no warning other than it was time so I won't be sleeping tonight. I am watching her on the monitor and go out when she changes positions. I cannot rely on her yelling because last year she called out only once during delivery of the second kid, her girl. She has a nice fresh thick layer of hay on top of the straw so it's as soft as it can get.
Again, congratulations - they are awesome!
So precious! :)
Huge congratulations! They are all so adorable. :)
Yes it's 1x1 fencing I got at the feed store. Last time kids climbed right out of the kidding stall so I had to make it more kid-proof! Oh and the tri-color one is the buckling and he's polled too!
Judy Asarkof said:
Really adorable. Love the tri color one!!!! What is your small fencing stuff - that looks great! Is it 1x1 holes? Where did you get it? Judy
She's much better now and I woke at dawn to the sound of her talking to them. When I got down there they were all fed and bouncing around like jumping beans! When she was pushing them away and gently butting them, it seemed to be related to her food-- she seemed to think they might try to take her food because it happened when I brought some pine boughs in and she got upset when the buckling started walking toward it. She seemed to think he was going to take some of her food! I then gave her another cup of grain and she was ravenous and stood fine while they nursed and she ate. I also brought her another whole bucket of water with molasses and ACV in it because she didn't seem to be drinking enough and she drank the whole bucket! I think she felt much better after she filled her belly and drank a lot as she calmed down then. This morning she has been taking great care of them. Their tummies all seem full and they are bouncy.
Do your does talk to you/ My girls start talking to me all the day of delivery -one does a lot of hand licking. It is usually my first sign that something is going to happen fairly soon. We also have a camera with sound -so if I leave I can hear them call if in labor. I look at all the other symptoms but the talking (a soft kind of bleating) is my first signal.