My girl I've been so worried about, because her mom prolapsed, just had 3 babies!!! Placenta still everywhere, and umbilical cords still attached, so I just made sure they were dry & am gonna leave the rest to momma who looks ok... Any and all advice for after care with TRIPLETS is appreciated, more pics to come.. I went from 3 goats to 8 in 6 days... AAAGGGHHH!!!!! :)
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When you're not sure what all is supposed to be there, it can make a girl a little nervous! :) Thanks ladies.
Haha, the first time I saw those teats on my bucklings, I took a double take too! Yes, they are teats :) as Deborah said, just like the does have. I think it's because they are so close to the scrotum that it looks so weird!
Maybe I'm not understanding something. Bucks do have teats. They should have two and only two, just like does. (Human males have nipples just like females, even though they're not functional.)
Thank you so much for understanding what I was getting at!!! All the hermaphrodite stuff I've been reading about, then seeing nubs where I didn't think there was supposed to be any made me do a double take!! Makes you 2nd guess yourself when you've never had to look before!! LOL
Rachel Whetzel said:
I think she's talking about the two little teat looking things that are on either side of the scrotum. All of the bucklings I have had born on my farm have them too, Dee. They do look a lot like a teat. lol When they are this little, I think they look a lot like doeling's teats do. The difference in little doelings, is they don't have the scrotum in the middle of all that. lol
Not sure what a nub is, but there is nothing about a buck's scrotum that looks like anything on a doeling. The scrotum hangs down between his legs. A doeling has nothing hanging down. In fact, I don't even look to check gender. I just reach between the kids legs to see if I can feel anything hanging down. Also, the buck's penis is in the middle of his belly; doeling's vulva is under her tail. Doelings squat to pee; bucklings stand stretched out with urine dribbling down from the middle of their bellies.
So checked the babies today, and it appears Cocoa had 2 boys and 1 girl, for a total this spring of Boys: 2 Girls: 3. Pretty good I think for ALL OF US ;) being FF.. BTW, are the boys scrotum nubs supposed to look like the girls nubs? Kinda disconcerting this morning.... guess they may have been closer together, I don't know. Help!
Congratulations! (One answer to your triplet question, Summer had triplets last year (FF) and all went well with her caring for them without my help; she was an incredible mother with a good milk supply.)
Congratulations! It is amazing how fast your herd can grow! Literally overnight!