My two doelings, Leela and Prita, who are 11 weeks old are eating forage for the first time in their lives. They are tasting new things every day (oak leaves, poison ivy, etc) but are still getting hay and sweet feed (Dumor) morning and night. They've been here one week and been fine but this morning I noticed some clumped poop in the barn. I'm thinking they are just adjusting to all the new stuff to eat, but should I get a wormer just in case?
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Super! I am so glad they are doing better!
Oh good point about introducing them to browse. Their poop looks fine again though and they seem to be healthy and happy. They browse a little, then go in for a nap in the barn, then go out and browse a little more. I think they have it figured out ;) and seem to know what's best for them. Thanks for the help!
Like Deborah said, check and watch for signs but I would not worm them again at this point if their eye lid color is good.
Rachel is most likely right!
I never really thought about it before now, but I don't think any of us have ever thought to mention in past discussions that goats really should have their browse time limited if they are not use to it, just like horses. So I am glad this has come up in a discussion, although I am sorry your babies are having problems. This is a good chance for us to warn newbies that cutting goats who have not been eating browse loose to browse can cause problems. Just like you wean them off things slowly, or slowly change foods, they should also be introduced to browse slowly. Therefore I would suggest, that if at all possible you back off there browse time some until this is under control and gradually increase that time until they are use to full time browsing. It would be a lot easier on their systems that way.
Check their eyelids. If they're dark pink or bright red, they're probably fine.
I think it's a pretty safe bet it's the new food. Mine are doing the same thing, because we just expanded their pen, and they suddenly have all sorts of fresh, green browse. Keep an eye on them, and if you don't start to see solid feces in the next few days, you might consider worming.
I'd like to add they were given Ivermectin on April 2nd (5 weeks ago).