My little buckling (4+ weeks) has soft. mushy poo. I already treated him for 5 days with di-methox 12.5 %, but it still seems soggy, not formed into little berries at all, but more of a runny plop. He seems to be growing and have energy. I got the di-methox last May. Could it have lost it's strength and only be partly working?
I haven't actually checked to see if he has a lot of cocci in his poo, but decided to give him the medicine when he appeared to be getting diarrhea. He seems to be the only one who is having the soft poo. It is a lighter, yellowy brown color.
Any ideas or thoughts on what to try?
Thanks! :)
Hi Patty,
Thank you for the welcome.
It's great that he is doing so much better now. I gave probiotics too after I started conventional treatment. First I gave Probios then I gave Saccharomyces Boulaardii (packaged for humans.) I'm definitely going to give them probiotics prior to and/or during any times of stress in the future.
Hi Vicki,
Thank you for your reply. I knew there was something like that but I couldn't remember the details. It seems to have gone away now, after a few days of probiotics. I think he's doing well, but I'm glad to have that information for the future. Welcome to the world of Nigerians and to this site. :)
I'm new here and new to Nigerians. You might want to check for giardia too. The ELIZA test is most accurate, but it can show up in a regular parasite test if the number is high. (I had to treat new arrivals for both coccidia and giardia.) A livestock vet said that goats usually don't show symptoms, but she had a goat that never had a normal stool for years. Then someone suggested she test for giardia and the results were positive. After treatment the stools were normal.
If you are dealing with giardia, I was told that ammonia is the best thing to use to disinfect the area.
Thanks, Deborah. I've been thinking that's probably the answer. I'd like to do fecals, so I guess we'll just have to bring him inside the house until he poops for us. :) It's way too sloppy outside to get a good sample from him out there right now. I guess I'll know then if the Di-methox is too old to work as well.
Some types of worms will cause diarrhea. You could do a fecal or treat him for worms.
Thank you, Rachel. Di-methox is the same thing as Sulmet (I think?), and I don't think it really helped. Of course, I don't know for sure. He does seem to be doing okay in all other ways, just seems to always have a bit of a yucky looking behind with some yellowish brown poo on it. It doesn't have an expiration date on the bottle, but I know I got it last May. I wonder if it's still good?
Maybe it's time to look for another cause? I don't know.
One of my bucklings had diarrhea when I first got him. It was most likely from stress, but it wasn't getting better, and the chances were pretty good it had turned into coccidiosis. So I treated with Sulmet. It worked really well. I also gave my little guy some pepto to help firm him back up, but when you do that, you should be aware that you are really only treating a symptom, so don't forget to treat what might be the underlying cause.