BLood drops

Hej from Sweden !

I need help!! One of our little 3 1/2 month old buckling who is still with mommy has had tiny drops of blood dripping from his penis. I have 3 other little bucklings and have never seen this. In fact not even with my older bucks.

Does anyone know what this may be from and what I need to do. I sure hope it's nothing serious.

He is eating well, hay grain and milk from mommy and playing and running with his brother Winston. 

I am worried about our little Phillip.



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  • Hej from Sweden!
    Well Deborah, I hope that if it were a tiny stone, that he
    has passed and now he is fine. My vet still stans stronge
    that it's way too young for kidney stones.
    Your story kinda scares me. At this time Phillip
    is not exhibiting any of the symptoms of UC. I will keep my eyes on him
    and contact my vet of there are any changes.
  • I like that theory better than mine... because my boys didn't start "chewing" on themselves until a month or so ago... seeing as it's related to breeding, and goat gal's baby isn't in full blown breeding stage yet.

  • So glad to hear you haven't seen any more blood! I am wondering if he may have had a tiny stone and passed it, which is what caused the bleeding? I used to think that 3 months was too young for that problem, but a couple years ago, there were a couple of people on here who had bucklings with stones, and someone in the real world told me that she had a kid around 4-5 months who died from stones. She said she also heard that his brother died from the same thing around the same age. I wonder if they both had an unusually small urethra or something else genetic that caused them to have that problem at such a young age.

  • Hej from Sweden!
    You know Rachel, the vet said it didn't sound
    like stones at all. And it would be very unusual
    at 3 mos. There have been no more drops of blood
    and little Phillip is as happy and feisty as ever .
    Maybe he just hurt himself and it has healed.
    No blood anywhere including his little wee wee.
    It may be a similar situation Rachel, thanks for
    your post!
  • My boys lick and bite themselves at the tip of their penises... could he have gotten a little rough on himself?

  • Hej from Sweden!
    Thank you much Patty!
  • Best wishes to you and little Phillip!  I hope all's well.

  • Hej from Sweden!
    Thank you very much for such a quick response
    to my concern about little Phillip. This happened
    yesterday and there was nothing in the evening nor
    this morning. On my evening rounds to the stable, I checked him
    and used a clean wipe on his little pee pee and it was clean. No more
    drops of blood in the box. He is eating well and I see no change in his
    actions or mood.
    I will get ahold of our vet and get the ammonium chloride!
    Thank you so much Deborah!!
  • Maybe urinary calculi, which is stones? Watch when he pees -- or when he tries to pee. If he just stands like he's peeing, but nothing comes out, that could be it. Goats have such a thin penis, especially towards the tip, that the tiniest stones can cause a blockage for them. In the U.S. we give ammonium chloride to dissolve stones. You can get it from mail order sources here, but hopefully you have a supplier in Sweden that has it or something that will do a similar job. Perhaps your vet has something?

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